Dan and Elizabeth Turk (PCUSA) - December 2014 Update


Dear Friends,

Friday, December 19, 2014 was an historic step in the process of national reconciliation in Madagascar. The current president of Madagascar met with the four former presidents at a hotel in Ivato. The meeting was moderated by the four leaders of the FFKM, an ecclesiastical entity formed by the Catholic, FJKM, Lutheran, and Anglican churches.

The fact that Marc Ravalomanana was allowed to attend is a hopeful sign. He was flown in from Antsiranana where he has been detained since October 13. It is not clear whether he has been allowed to return to his home in Antananarivo or not. Indications are that he was not flown back to Antsiranana when the meeting ended. Little has been released about the meeting or next steps.

The current leader of the FFKM has asked the Malagasy people to pray for the reconciliation process. We ask that you would join them in your prayers as well.

Please pray for wisdom for the leaders of the FFKM as they guide the process of national reconciliation. Please pray for the current and former leaders of Madagascar that they would put the interests of their countrymen above personal interests. Please pray that the reconciliation process will move forward no matter what the obstacles.

May the example of our Lord this season be an inspiration to all of us: he sent his only son to live among us and save us – giving up his position of glory and power to do so.

Peace in Christ,

Elizabeth and Dan Turk

Additional Prayer Requests
* for Marc Ravalomanana and his family
* for the church in Madagascar

Read more about the Turks' ministry by clicking here.

Amount needed in 2015

The Outreach Foundation seeks to raise a minimum of $850 per month for the Turks' support  and $2,300 per month for FJKM Ministries and Outreach. To make a donation, click the Donate Now link in the sidebar.

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