Call to Prayer for Madagascar: Presidential Elections Set for October 25

FJKM Ministries October 2013 update.JPG

Madagascar has been in crisis since a coup d’état in March 2009. A foreign diplomat recently noted that there is no rule of law in Madagascar. Crime is way up in both urban and rural areas. Recent assessments found that over 90% of the people are living below the poverty line. To make matters worse, locusts have been destroying crops in many parts of the country, and bubonic plague is on the rise.

On October 25th, Madagascar will hold presidential elections. Legislative elections and a second round presidential election (if needed) are scheduled for December 20th. These are the first elections since the coup d’état. The hope is that these elections will mark a big step toward a return to democracy, constitutionality, and rule of law. Many people are concerned, however, about how free and fair these elections will be and about the possibility of pre- or post-election violence.

PC(USA)’s partner church in Madagascar, the FJKM, is involved in efforts to bring about reconciliation. There have been many meetings, and there is still a lot of work to be done.

We are doing well and feel safe. We are able to do our work, but it is difficult to witness the poverty of the people. It means a great deal to the FJKM church and its members to have its U.S. partners walking alongside them at this time. One of the most important things that you can do is pray.

Please join us in prayer for the following:

  • that elections will be reasonably free and fair
  • that there won’t be pre- or post-election violence
  • that effective means of reducing poverty and re-establishing law and order can be quickly implemented
  • that Church leaders and members can be effective witnesses to God’s grace and love during these challenging times

We serve a mighty God and nothing is impossible!

In Christ,

Dan and Elizabeth Turk

Learn more about Dan and Elizabeth Turk by clicking here.

Minimum Goal for 2014

 At least $10,000 for ministry funds for the Turks and $2,300 per month for FJKM Ministries and Outreach.





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