Preparing for Iraq

Greetings from The Outreach Foundation.  A group of Outreach staff and friends is preparing themselves for a special trip to Basrah, Iraq.  They leave the US from various locations on March 11 and 12, bound for Basrah.  The team of nine pastors and lay persons will be meeting with leaders from the Iraq Presbyterian Church.  The Church in Iraq is a vibrant and alive remnant of the Church there, and is dedicated to bringing the Word to those who don't know Jesus Christ.

Please check this travel blog for regular updates.  The team hopes to post on a regular basis, but much will be dependent upon the availability of internet services.  You may sign up for automatic email updates of new postings simply by clicking on the grey box in the lower right corner of this screen that says "Follow". 

Most importantly, please be in prayer for this team as they set forth to encourage and to be encouraged by the body of Christ in Iraq.