Wheels Up!

As team leader for our 9-person group, I am especially grateful for all of you who will be following us during out time in Basrah, confident that your prayers will accompany your interest. This is a "seasoned" group of travelers, all of whom have spent time in the Middle East with the Church there and some whom have even been to Basrah, like Barbara, aka Babs, whom you see here with some of the precious little ones from the pre-school/kindergarten which is run by the our host church.


Julie, Tharwat, Elmarie, Babs, Chuck, Meryle, the two Toms and myself look forward to sharing story and image with you over the days ahead. Some of us begin the journey later tonight, eagerly awaiting all that God intends to do through us and for us and to us as we encounter and encourage His faithful ones in Basrah while we learn from them and are inspired by them during our times of fellowship and worship together.

Blessings from Marilyn Borst on behalf of The Outreach Foundation Iraq Team