Monday, October 28: Our Last Day Together as a Team

On this Monday, we will say goodbye to one another as the official portion of our Presbyterian Heritage Trip concludes.  Nine of us will fly to Beijing this evening while four will fly out tomorrow from Shanghai to the States.  Peter will continue on in Shanghai and some additional cities in China on other business. We said farewell to John McCall this morning.  He will return home to Taiwan.  He will be coming back to the United States on a home country mission tour in Jan. 2014.  We're grateful for his being with us and wish him God's blessings in his ministry.

It has been an amazing two weeks filled with great fellowship, learning and an inspiring view of God’s work in the churches of China.  It will take us a long period of reflection and thought to fully assimilate what we have learned.  Like a friend told me a long time ago, “I am not sure that I understand everything I know about this experience”.   And that says it for me.

Blessings from all of us, and pray for the people of China.


The Presbyterian Heritage Trip Team
