Posts in Middle East
Blessed School — Update

Believing that our students have the right to be active members of Lebanese society, Blessed has launched the “I Deserve, and I Can” project, affirming their right to work, earn money, and secure their futures. Blessed School already has many students working as caregivers and office assistants and in data entry and catering.

Knowing that music is a major part of their joy, Blessed School has performed at many big events with famous musicians and singers. A Christmas Medley was published in 2022, enjoy it here:

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Musalaha — May 2023 Update

Musalaha is a faith-based organization that teaches, trains and facilitates reconciliation, mainly between Israelis and Palestinians from diverse ethnic and religious backgrounds, but also international groups, based on biblical principles of peace, tolerance, and love. We recently received news about Musalaha from Executive Director Daniel Munayer:

Equipped with courage and strong faith in our reconciliation mission, the entire team has prospered in transforming 343 Israelis and Palestinians across the Land in 2022. Musalaha bridges antagonism through faith and by finding each other in joint, meaningful encounters.

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Haigazian University — May 2023 Update

Haigazian University is part of the multicultural mosaic that is Beirut, serving students of diverse backgrounds, preparing them to face 21st-century challenges, as they serve in their communities. It intentionally draws in students from lower economic communities and seeks to prepare them for careers that emphasize service and leadership such as teaching, social work, and management.

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Together for the Family — May 2023 Update

Together for the Family’s Executive Director Izdihar Kassis recently shared this news:

Together for the Family currently serves more than 1,700 families who were affected by February’s earthquake. During our visits to devastated areas in Aleppo and Latakia, we noticed that many children have no shoes or toys. So, in addition to providing food and blankets, we decided to provide them with shoes and toys! It was also a great time to share and pray with children and adults.

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Pars Theological Center — May 2023 Update

Pars Student Spotlight

Reza became a Christian in 2004 when he learned about Jesus through his father. When his father initially shared the Gospel with him, Reza rejected it. However, he did not want to ignore his father, so he decided to do some more of his own research. He wanted to compare and contrast the Bible with the Koran. This took him about a year, and during this time of seeking, Reza had a dream. In his dream, there were two groups of angels, and they were singing, “Arise, this is the time to worship Jesus.” Jesus was standing between these two groups of angels. He reached out his hand and invited Reza to worship. Reza woke up from this dream with peace in his heart that Jesus is the true way.

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Outreach welcomes Shapoor Ahmadi to the Franklin Office

It was an honor to welcome Shapoor Ahmadi to the Outreach office in Franklin, TN today. Shapoor fled from Iran when he was 22 years old. He sought asylum in England and waited for two years for his case to be heard. He was provided a one-room apartment and 35 pounds ($45/month for all living expenses). He could not work during this time. He knew no one and had to wait for his case to be processed. At the end of the two years, his case was denied. Shapoor appealed and waited another two years. By the grace of God, his case was overturned.

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Middle East Earthquake Relief — May 2023 Update

On February 6, 2023, the world woke to the news of a devastating earthquake in Syria and Turkey. We all watched reports from the field indicating the region was in dire need of help. The Outreach Foundation responded quickly (within 24 hours) by establishing the Middle East Earthquake Relief Appeal which has generated widespread support from our donor base.

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Philemon Project Preschool GROW Center — April 2023 Update

The Philemon Project GROW Center provides Christian early childhood development programs for underserved and at-risk children in Beirut. Rev. Dr. Robert Hamd, the GROW Center’s founder, recently shared this update:

The ongoing economic crisis in Lebanon has affected the whole population. Those living at an acceptable level previously are now finding it extremely difficult to cover the costs of daily living and the essentials of health and education.

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Middle East Earthquake Relief — February 2023 Update

On February 6, an earthquake in Turkey and Syria measuring 7.8 magnitude was followed later that same day by an aftershock of 7.5.

The numbers are staggering:

  • the area of destruction is equal to the size of the state of Texas

  • the death toll in Turkey and Syria has reached 46,000

  • 5.3 million have lost their homes

  • 12.4 million people in Syria are now food insecure

The mobilization of the Church in Syria was swift.

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Near East School of Theology (NEST) — February 2023 Update

When the Rev. Sally Azar was ordained on January 22, 2023, by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land, the Church of the Holy Redeemer, in the Old City of Jerusalem, was packed. Rev. Azar becomes the first Palestinian woman to receive that honor. She joins a small cadre of Protestant women in the Middle East ordained to Word and sacrament which was “founded” in 2017 with the ordination of Rev. Rola Sleiman of Tripoli, Lebanon. This small, but visionary group of women have an important thing in common: they are all graduates of the Near East School of Theology (NEST) in Beirut, which on November 11, 2022, marked its 90th anniversary.

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Blessed School — Update

Founded by British missionaries in 1868 as the first school for the blind in the MENA (Middle East/North Africa) region, the Lebanese Evangelical Society decided to expand Blessed School’s mission to receive students with special needs including autism and Down syndrome. Blessed School spreads the Word of God not only to the Lebanese but also to people of many other nationalities who study there and learn and explore the God of Love during daily chapel services.

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Home of Hope Beirut — January 2023 Update

From 1975 to 1990, civil war raged in Lebanon, causing enormous destruction. As a result, countless families were torn apart, and many children were forced to search the streets for food and usable materials. Increasing social conflicts and rising criminality among unprotected children eventually led to the establishment of Home of Hope (HOH) in 1999 as the first Lebanese institution to care for street children. HOH is part of the Lebanese Evangelical Society, which runs several schools including one for children with special needs.

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New Church Development in Egypt — January 2023 Update

In November, a team from The Outreach Foundation made a trip back to Egypt (the second one in 2022) and traveled to the south of the country, not far from the border with Sudan. This southernmost Presbytery of the Synod of the Nile is geographically large, but the Presbyterian churches are few — but not for long, as a vibrant church planting initiative is on the rise here. Rev. Kimmy Briggs (on her fourth trip with Outreach), reflects on a day of visits to a country rich in culture and history — and in opportunities for the Good News! 

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Syria/Lebanon Partnership — December 2022 Update

Crossing the mountains from Latakia brought us to the old city of Hama. A warren of tightly packed streets led us to the unobtrusive front door of the National Evangelical Church, founded in 1869. This was the first visit for all of us.

Stepping through the front door, we entered a courtyard where the ghosts of laughter and children playing seemed to surround us. The church operated a highly respected school here in Hama for many years until it was closed by the government in the late 1960s. The old classrooms are gathering dust today, but it does not take much to imagine this place filled with life.

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Bicycles to Baptism — Liverpool

Thank you to our friends with The Antioch Partners who are living and working with Shapoor in the UK. This story is just one example of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit among the Persian-speaking community, and we are glad to share it with you. Also, thank you to the congregations and donors who are making stories like these possible!

When we first met Mohammed, Parham, Soheil, Pouya, Artum, and Jabal back in February, their warmth, friendship, and desire to learn more about Christianity and Christ were evident. Soheil was already a believer and had fled Iran after his house church had been broken up by the religious police.

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Home of Hope Beirut — November 2022 Update

By Lois Andrews, Trustee-elect, who was in Lebanon this summer and spent two days at Home of Hope

It was my privilege and great honor to spend extra days at the Home of Hope in Beirut, Lebanon during a visit of women from The Outreach Foundation attending the Women’s Conference at Dhour Chouier. This compassionate abode is the home of twenty-four children who reside full-time under the vision and direction of Rev. Linda Maktaby, run by the Lebanese Evangelical Society, and joyfully supported by The Outreach Foundation.

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New Church Development in Egypt — November 2022 Update

Sharona Island is a medium-sized village in Upper Egypt that is actually an island in the Nile River. With a majority Christian population, the Presbyterian Church was established in 1898. The ministry of this church grew rapidly in recent years under the leadership of Rev. Mahrous Ayed, a graduate of the Evangelical Theological Seminary of Cairo (ETSC), an Outreach partner.

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