Lisa Alfonsi

Lsa, an occupational therapist, will be providing support and therapy to individuals with special needs.

Dear Friends,

I hope this message finds you all blessed and healthy. I wanted to update you on what is going on with me. First of all, I am at 99% of my support. Praise God for this! I am so incredibly thankful for everyone who has supported me with prayer, encouragement, and financially. My condo is under contract, and I am just waiting on bank approval to close. I've registered for my mandatory missionary training from mid- May to mid-June in Colorado Springs. I feel like there is a light at the end of this tunnel, which I realize is just the beginning of a new journey. I am beginning to pack up my condo – boxing up the things I won't be able to take and storing them as well as deciding what things I can take with me. I have four crates and two suitcases that I can fill. I'm also trying to get in my final doctor appointments, get my vaccines updated, and get all my necessary documents in place. I'm continuing to work at my current job that I love so much until things are finalized.  

While I am thrilled that all this is finally coming together and excited for the next step in my life, I have found myself waking up with anxious thoughts running through my head about all the things that I still need to do. I would greatly appreciate prayer for peace and trust in our Lord and to help me remember that he has all the details figured out. He is so great with knowing just what I need that he has arranged for me to have a vacation at just the right time. A few months ago, I was asked by the founder of Free Wheelchair Mission if I would be interested in being part of a team of people around the world who could train others about disability and how to better fit the people receiving the wheelchairs based on their physical needs. Of course I said YES! This is part of what I do for my job right now, so I would love to be a part of that, So, they chose a date in March for me and a few other therapists from all over the U.S. to come receive training. I have also been blessed with great friends I met on my first trip to Peru who have invited me to spend some time with them while I am in California, so I have extended my training trip and turned it into a mini-vacation. I am so thankful for this opportunity to partner with FWM once again and look forward to sharing with you upon my return. In the meantime, I would love it if you could continue to pray for the details of my condo sale to move forward, that I can raise that last 1%, and that I can have time to rejuvenate on my trip and return with clear direction and peace about moving forward. 
Thanks and blessings to all of you,                                                                                                

Lisa Alfonsi