Ukraine Appeal - College of Theology and Social Sciences - Outreach Partner

Our partner in Warsaw, Poland, the College of Theology and Social Sciences, provided us with this wonderful update. Used with permission.

“Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.”   1 John 3:18

According to a report from the UN, as of May 27, 2022, more than 14 million people are thought to have fled their homes since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Over 6.7 million have left Ukraine for neighboring countries while more than 3.6 million have entered Poland. Based on these numbers, the population of Poland has risen 9.3% this year!

“God has sent these 37 refugees to us for a reason.” Most of the refugees from Ukraine are Orthodox and know the Gospel, but do not have a sense of a personal connection with Jesus as Lord and Savior. One of our hopes is to introduce this central aspect of faith to them. Here, “our refugees” organize themselves to have a time of prayer. They often pray and cry together. When walking through the halls at the college, we often cross paths with them. Sometimes we stop to exchange a few words and sometimes we just exchange a smile. Even though we don’t speak the same language and we find it difficult to communicate, a smile shows that Jesus Christ is present.

In a conversation between Ania, one of our refugees, and a group of refugees staying under the care of some families from the British School of Warsaw, Ania did not talk about the war or about suffering or sadness. She spoke about how loved she felt every day, and how the people helping her, and the other 36 refugees staying with her under the same roof, felt safe, loved, and taken care of. She finished sharing her feelings saying that the people supporting her were Christians. THAT is what it’s all about!

There is a difference in relief efforts done in the name of Jesus Christ. Sharing a hug, a few words of support, or a smile, if done in the name of Jesus, makes an impact. We don’t have to remind ourselves about the responsibility God has placed on us. The Holy Spirit reminds us how it must be done in God’s Word, “Whatever you do, work at it with your whole being, for the Lord and not for men.”   Colossians 3:23

All that we do for these families is possible because of you, the donors. In addition to providing shelter and food, we received news of the following

·         Each family is receiving cash every two weeks to purchase their own food and clothes. It is an important step toward helping these families adjust.

·         On June 1, Children’s Day in Poland, the college staff provided special gifts.

·         Specialized medical treatment is possible because of you. Here are some stories:

Ruslana and Vitali
Ruslana, 57-years-old, is very sick. A few weeks after having one of her kidneys removed due to kidney cancer, bombs fell near her home. She and her husband, Vitali, had to leave quickly. Running for their lives they did not take Ruslana’s medical documents. God intervened when she came to us. We were able to connect her with a nephrologist, and Ruslana is now receiving specialized care. She is on the waiting list for surgery. She is such a precious woman and worries about her fruit trees back home every day.

Vitali, Ruslana’s husband, was allowed to leave Ukraine due to Ruslana’s health condition. Vitali is the “grandfather” to all our children-refugees and often plays with them. Vitali has prostate hypertrophy and is under the care of a specialist.

Our First Refugee Baby is Scheduled to Arrive in August, and It Is a Girl!    
Olga is six months pregnant. She is periodically monitored by a gynecologist. During her last visit, Stacia was able to speak on the phone with Roman, Olga’s husband. He couldn't hide how touched he was by the help Olga is receiving. He said: "In 30 years, no one has ever given us anything. I have always managed on my own. My wife is receiving so much kindness, you are amazing.”

Our Refugees Received a Surprise Visit 
Piotr Nowak, college president, and his wife Stacia were given just one hour’s notice for this visit. Former First Daughter Ivanka Trump visited the college and spent an afternoon painting, chatting, and playing the guitar with our families. Ivanka visited Warsaw after an invite from global non-profit CityServe. She wanted “to see refugee work done well.” The Outreach Foundation and First Presbyterian San Antonio were listed as the major benefactors.    

Along with your prayers, you may make a gift HERE or by sending a check to our office.

The 37 refugees with College staff during Ivanka Trump’s visit