PCEA Churiri Church - Kenya - June 2022

Stu Ross, East Africa Mission Consultant, recently sent this note about the dedication of PCEA Churiri Church in Kenya. The church was built in partnership with the Presbyterian Church of East Africa (PCEA); Memorial Presbyterian Church, Charlotte, NC; Mid-Atlantic Synod Men’s Council through the Nendeni Outreach Program; and The Outreach Foundation.

Dear friends,

Today (June 12) we dedicated Churiri Church in Njabini, Central Province. The unique thing about this church is it was built by a group, the first since COVID started.

The church started as several districts which were an eight-kilometer walk away. They wanted to be closer to their church. In 2003 they moved into a classroom. In 2007 they were given 1/4 acre of land. In 2013 they built a small metal structure which is pictured above. The old metal structure they worshiped in had no windows and poor ventilation. It was also quite dark.

During the pandemic, they lost many members. They feel that many of the members they lost will come back to their new church. They plan to start evangelizing their community and getting new members. They also want to start a school in their old church along with a feeding program for the young kids.

During the church service, I challenged the congregation to start a school and to fill their church by year’s end. Everyone left the church very satisfied with the dedication.


Read more about PCEA Church Construction in Kenya HERE.

The Outreach Foundation is seeking gifts to support the mission and ministry of PCEA Church Construction in Kenya. All gifts of any size are welcomed to help build PCEA churches. You may make a gift HERE or by sending a check to our office.