City Church in Lithuania to Aid Orphans from Ukraine

God has told us to focus on the orphans of this war. Pastor Saul of City Church in Lithuania joined The Outreach Foundation’s team visiting Iranian refugees in Liverpool. While with us, he shared that the elders of City Church have discerned its war relief focus will fulfill the call issued in James 1:27, “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.” 

It is our pleasure to announce that starting next week, God willing, City Church will be launching a major effort to bring at least 30 orphans and their caregivers from the war zone in Ukraine. Lithuania, like many countries, shut down state-run orphanages and these buildings have been sitting empty for a few years. Recently, a businessman with good connections to elders in City Church renovated one of these orphanages. Church leadership is developing the plan to rent the orphanage for at least six months.

The ministry will include the provision of shelter, food, education, pediatric care, counseling, and special needs care since some of the orphans have special needs. City Church will be hiring Ukrainian refugees and providing volunteer assistance themselves to support this incredible vision. Students from nearby LCC International University will be part of this endeavor as well. The government will provide partial support, yet the church will give ministry to orphans by sharing Jesus Christ with them, teaching the Bible, leading in prayer and worship, and helping them discover God’s love even in this tragedy.

What is the opportunity?

City Church, The Outreach Foundation’s church partner in Eastern Europe, will continue to receive funds that generous donors and churches have been sending. Financial resources are the number one need in this current phase of providing help. Please give HERE or send checks to our office.

In addition to financial assistance, we anticipate opportunities for us to send people with specialized skills such as pediatricians, nurses, counselors, special needs teachers, and others on teams to provide skilled assistance. If you speak Ukrainian or Russian and can come alongside City Church immediately, please let us know at The Outreach Foundation by phone (615) 778-8881 or email

Soon we will be sharing photos and stories of the children City Church will host, providing plenty of opportunities for prayer and encouragement through writing cards and special drives. Thank you for the ways you are already stepping into the gap for so many people who have been displaced by this war!

***Updated Information***

Albina works for an NGO that is helping to evacuate women and children from war zones in Ukraine. She is the person who is helping City Church bring 47 orphans and staff from Ukraine. She has already identified the orphans. Pre-war there were 60,000 orphans in Ukraine. No one knows the number now.

Despite the stress and turmoil, Albina remains faithful, “It’s not only us, volunteers and organizations, who are rescuing those children and families. God is there: in every phone call, every email, and every interaction.” Indeed.