PCEA Ndagara Church - Kenya - February 2022

Stu Ross, East Africa Mission Consultant, recently sent this note about the dedication of PCEA Ndagara Church in Kenya. The church was built in partnership with the Presbyterian Church of East Africa (PCEA), First Presbyterian Church, Nashville, TN, and The Outreach Foundation.

Dear friends,

Today, February 6, 2022, we dedicated Ndagara Church in Laikipia Presbytery, which is about a six-hour drive from home. Although we have already built six churches in the Presbytery, they needed another one. The church is growing very quickly in this area, faster than we can build churches.

The land for the church was donated by local farmers because they wanted a church close to their homes. We had lunch in their old metal church with dirt floors, which was built in 2013.

Rev. Dr. Julius Mwamba, the former Moderator of the GA and a very good friend, dedicated the church. We left following the five-hour service to try and get home by dark.

This was the 375th church built in East Africa by The Outreach Foundation. We will work hard to try and reach the goal of 400 churches built by year’s end.



We are grateful for your partnership in God’s work in Kenya – and the world!

Read more about PCEA Church Construction in Kenya HERE.

The Outreach Foundation is seeking gifts to support the mission and ministry of PCEA Church Construction in Kenya. All gifts of any size are welcomed to help build PCEA churches. You may make a gift HERE or by sending a check to our office.