Clean Drinking Water in Kenya - September 2021 Update

In 1994, Mzee Toronke came to know Jesus Christ through the teaching of two local pastors, Rev. Nakeel and  Rev. Maina. Since that day, Mzee Toronke has slept with a Bible as his pillow; he literally rests on the promises of God.

Mzee Toronke was born in a remote area of Kajiado, Kenya in 1925. He spent his early years tending to livestock, walking hundreds of kilometers looking for water and fresh pasture. As he grew older, Mzee Toronke married and started a family. Eventually, he had six wives and twenty-one children.

Once Mzee Toronke came to know and believe in Jesus Christ, his life was transformed. He wanted to make an impact in God’s kingdom. He soon donated fifty acres of his own land to the Presbyterian Church of East Africa (PCEA). He asked the church to use the land for building God’s kingdom and empowering his community. He wanted to ensure that his community would have access to clean water, and his dream was to drink from a borehole on the property before going up to heaven. For years, there was no water point for more than ten kilometers around Maparasha, his home area. Women and children spent hours fetching water; men and livestock could be away for weeks at a time during dry seasons.

On Thursday, September 16th, Mzee Toronke’s dream came true. At 96 years old, he witnessed the commissioning of a borehole in his home area, and he took a long sip of the water. The Outreach Foundation, in partnership with the PCEA Mission Department, was able to drill a borehole that will provide life-giving water for the Maparasha community. Men, women, children, and livestock will all have access to the water they need. We thank God for the gift of water!

Now that the borehole is complete, the PCEA hopes to continue to empower the Maparasha community. The next phase of empowerment includes building two greenhouses that will be able to provide fresh, nutritious vegetables for the women and children in the area. Each greenhouse comes at a cost of $4,900.

Grateful for your partnership and prayers,

Lauren Scharstein, Deputy Director of Mission for the PCEA           
The Antioch Partners     

Read more about Clean Drinking Water in Kenya HERE.

The Outreach Foundation is seeking gifts totaling $10,000 for gutters and tanks – $2,500 per site. You may make a gift HERE or by sending a check to our office.