Palestinian Bible Society - August 2021 Update

Palestinian Bible Society August 2021.jpg

In a place where the Christian population has dwindled to only about 2%, the Palestinian Bible Society (PBS) is working diligently and faithfully to nurture the next generation of leaders who will stay in this fractured land to heal it and to be the light of Christ so that all may know the Good News and be saved by it.

Over the past few years, PBS has focused on the district of Jenin, which is located in the very northern part of the West Bank. It has an attractive history, beautiful nature, and numerous touristic sites. It is also home to the American Arab University, which is one of the major universities in Palestine. Around 7 years ago, PBS launched activities in this area through different projects, mainly in the village of Zababdeh---a largely Christian village.

Because this area hosts thousands of Arab Israeli students coming from the north of Israel, PBS staff noted that there was a need to extend the work to this area and serve the population of Jenin with the Word of God: “We sensed that there is a need to change negative attitudes and hopelessness among the youth of Jenin area. There is a need for initiatives that will provide youth with an opportunity for enrichment of their lives, to bring hope and build self-esteem.”

PBS rented a small office and began its operations from there. At the end of 2013, a church offered PBS the opportunity to secure the long-term future of this office by providing funds to build a community family center (construction began in 2018).

Simultaneously with the physical construction, the Palestinian Bible Society pours themselves into building up the Body of Christ, especially with the younger generation: rooting them in the Bible and teaching them to love that land of the Bible and connect them to it----their homeland. And with in-depth training for emergent leaders, they hope to strengthen the local Church while also equipping it to most effectively share Christ with the majority populations which surround them. The photos here show the summer events including Bible study, team building, and visits to historical sites in Bethlehem.

The PBS center in Jenin is making good progress but about $130,000 is still needed to complete it. They pray that God will provide generous donors to see this work to completion!     

Read more about the Palestinian Bible Society HERE.   

The Outreach Foundation is seeking gifts totaling $25,000 to support the programs of the Palestinian Bible Society. You may make a gift HERE or by sending a check to our office.