Europe Initiative: News from the European Diaspora

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Many of us are reading despairing news out of Afghanistan and wondering how the Lord would have us respond. The Outreach Foundation has discovered that millions of people are fleeing their homes from places like Afghanistan, the Middle East, Iran, Pakistan, and Central Asia and converging in Europe. And they are discovering that God’s promise to Isaiah is for them. “Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” (Isaiah 43:19). 

Those who have left homes with little to nothing are encountering the gospel in Europe through the bold witness of evangelists, pastors, and Christians from their homelands. And not just refugees. People in Europe are hearing the gospel alongside refugees such as the evangelistic outreach in Poland pictured above.

This is a time of promise!

People are seeing Christ through visions, experiencing his presence through miracles, and offering their lives to him because of prophetic words. Baptisms of new Christians are occurring in increased numbers such as in this church in Amsterdam pictured here.

Europe Initiative Baptism of some Afghan refugees in Amsterdam performed by Dariush who we are visiting.jpg

The opportunity

  • pray for our short visit to these ministry leaders in Europe October 4-8

  • pray that refugees will find their way to house churches and Christians who will surround them with love

  • prayerfully consider your financial gift to support The Outreach Foundation's Europe Initiative, which will support house churches and leaders who are being the light of Christ in Europe

Click HERE for more information about the Outreach trip to Europe in October.