Bill and Bette Bryant Crisis Nursery - April 2021 Update

Lusaka, Zambia

We recently received this update from our partners serving vulnerable children and families in Lusaka. Their critical ministry is changing the lives of children, mothers, and families in Jesus’ name.

During the COVID pandemic, the Bill and Bette Bryant crisis nursery has continued to provide shelter for children five years or younger who are victims of the current weakening extended family system, neglect, abandonment, early marriages, unplanned pregnancies, gender-based violence, and poor parenting skills. While the children await reunification with their parents, original guardians, or other permanent family-based care, the children have access to food, clothing, shelter, and early childhood education.

In 2020, COVID-19 caused the Bill and Bette Bryant facility to suspend visits from the general public. Donations and in-kind gifts were left at the gate. And volunteers who wanted to assist in feeding the children or cleaning the home were not allowed during this time. The government of Zambia closed all schools for nearly half the year. Schools have now resumed, and teachers and general caregivers work with masks on at all times. They are not allowed to hug the children or touch them unnecessarily.

Only families who have been matched with the children for foster care or adoption are permitted to visit. Families of origin and extended family members may also visit their child. These families must be masked the entire time and must make an appointment ahead of time to visit the child. Following the visit, the child is given a bath and a change of clothing to avoid any possible infection.

During this time, administration staff members are only allowed to interact with the children when there is an urgent need. Only caregivers are interacting with the children. With these strict precautions, no coronavirus infection has been detected. 

There are 23 children at the Bill and Bette Bryant home currently. Thankfully, despite COVID restrictions, several children were reunified with their original families, and others were placed in foster care or adopted. One child is currently bonding with a prospective foster family that he has been matched with.

 Read more about the Bill and Bette Crisis Nursery HERE.

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The Outreach Foundation is seeking gifts totaling $60,000 for the Bill and Bette Bryant Crisis Nursery to continue its work in God’s mission. You may make a gift HERE or by sending a check to our office.