PCEA Church Construction - Tigoni Dedication

Imagine the joy of a group of Christians when they are finally able to worship in a new church building instead of gathering under a tree or in a crumbling building with dirt floors. A new church building allows a congregation to grow and provide ministries to surrounding communities. The Outreach Foundation has come alongside the Presbyterian Church of East Africa (PCEA) to help them build over 350 churches in the last 20 years. Coordinating this work is Outreach’s East Africa Mission Consultant Stu Ross who works closely with PCEA leadership. Stu sent this note on one of the newest PCEA churches:

Tigoni is a small town located in the center of a tea-growing area. PCEA Tigoni Church is a large, beautiful church that will seat 350+. The area has great potential and I can see the church doubling or tripling in membership in the next several years. We usually put the vestry on the side of the church but this time we put it behind the church. The land for the church was donated by a church member.

Stu Ross
East Africa Mission Consultant

Read more about PCEA Church Construction HERE.

The Outreach Foundation is seeking gifts to support the mission and ministry of PCEA Church Construction in Kenya. All gifts of any size are welcomed to help build PCEA churches. You may make a gift HERE or by sending a check to our office.