Press Release: Nancy Warlick's "Adventures in Faith: A Reflection of My Life in Africa"

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Signalman Publishing Announces Release of Adventures in Faith: A Reflection of My Life in Africa

Tampa, FL / November 17, 2021 – Signalman Publishing is pleased to announce the release of Adventures in Faith: A Reflection of My Life in Africa by Nancy Warlick of Orlando, Florida.

Early in life, Nancy felt the call to serve God by serving the people of Africa – especially those in what was then known as the Belgian Congo. Upon meeting a seminary student, Bill Warlick, and discovering a shared interest in missions, they wed and set their sights on heading to the Congo as Presbyterian missionaries. Thus began a journey of service lasting over four decades – and not just in the Congo but across the African continent.

In the Congo, Bill engaged in evangelistic missions, working with local Congolese pastors and evangelists while Nancy taught Bible, in French, to local students – while fighting off malaria on one hand and the policies of the corrupt dictator Mobutu on the other.

Eventually, Mobuto’s policies sparked a revolt and the Warlicks were evacuated back to the U.S. However, they didn’t stay long with God calling them back to the continent – to Zimbabwe this time where they helped start the Success School in Harare, a school where children at risk were able to take classes to establish a good foundation for themselves in love and faith. The Lovemore Home followed which was also a ministry for children at risk and then an orphanage named Namumu in Zambia. Nancy’s love and care for vulnerable children were reflected in each of these projects. As Jesus said, “Whoever welcomes one of these little children in my name welcomes me, and whoever welcomes me does not welcome me but the one who sent me.” (Mark 9:37). 

Rev. Art Simon, Founder and president emeritus of Bread for the World, had this to say,

“Anyone who knows Nancy Warlick--and those who don't—will find this no-frills, straight-from-the-heart report of her ADVENTURES in Africa a motivation to self-giving, Christ-like love no matter where you live. Her engagement with African children is especially compelling.”

Adventures in Faith (ISBN: 978-1-940145-89-1, Trade Paper, 193 pages, $14.99, Non- Fiction/ Christian Missions/Missionary Work) from indie book publisher Signalman, is available on Amazon,, and wherever fine books are sold.

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Signalman Publishing is an independent book publisher based in Tampa, Florida. Signalman has a wide range of thought-provoking literature from non-fiction titles on economics, education, and strategy to literary fiction.


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