Pakistan Bible Correspondence School - March 2020 Update

PBCS March 2020 update Staff and Muslim visitors.JPG


Pakistan Bible Correspondence School (PBCS) is a ministry established by a group of missionaries in Pakistan, the third-largest Muslim country in the world after Indonesia and Bangladesh. Its total population is about 180 million of whom 96% are Muslims, 2% are Christians and 2% are other minority groups. The ministry is now led by Pakistani Christ-followers.

It was started in 1957 with a vision to reach out to people all over Pakistan with the message of God’s love for mankind through Bible correspondence courses, and a variety of other holistic programs and projects.

The PBCS vision is, “To spread the Word of God and promote its study through correspondence courses and tuition so that no one should remain without knowing God’s love revealed in Jesus Christ.”

Their mission is, “To share the love and compassion of God both by launching certain holistic projects and by imparting biblical knowledge through Bible correspondence courses and other biblical literature, throughout the country so that no one should remain without knowing the love of God revealed in Jesus Christ.”

We are pleased to share with you the note below that we recently received from Adeel Samuel:

Greetings from Pakistan!

I hope that you are fine. During the Christmas holidays, I had an accident on a motorbike. My wife and daughter were also with me. But thank God, he protected us. I had some minor injuries. But now I am feeling better.

January 2020 went well. A global representative from Emmaus Correspondence School visited us. We had a great time with the representative.

I would be grateful if you would lift up to the Lord our prayer requests for 2020.

Please pray for:

·         the students to know the Truth through the correspondence courses

·         the staff to stay passionate about the vision God has given to PBCS

·         upcoming events in 2020

·         sufficient funds for ministry advancement and activities

Our goals for 2020:

·         that there will be 1,200 students

·         that we will equip the youth to be catalysts/agents of God in their communities

·         that we will build new partnerships through networking


By the grace of God, the board has confirmed me for this post. I am now the permanent Principal of Faisalabad Center. Thank you very much for your prayers.


Adeel Samuel, Principal           

Read more about Pakistan Bible Correspondence School HERE.

The Outreach Foundation is seeking gifts totaling $15,000 to facilitate the sharing of the Good News in Pakistan while opening the Bible to those who have never had access to it before. Gifts may be made HERE or by sending a check to our office.