Your gifts to the COVID-19 Emergency Appeal are making a difference…in Kenya

Thanks to your gifts for Outreach’s COVID-19 Emergency Appeal we have been able to send $5000 to the Presbyterian Church of East Africa (PCEA). 

These weeks and months have affected churches around the world, but GOD’S MISSION IS GOING FORWARD. Much like here, the Kenyan government has taken measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19: all schools have been closed, all public gatherings have been banned, and all travelers are restricted from entering Kenya for the next 30 days. The church has complied with the government directives by canceling worship services and any other meetings. 

But unlike here in the U.S., the Presbyterian Church of East Africa does not have the capacity to reach out to and provide nurture for the 4.5 million PCEA members. Few congregations can livestream their worship services, and most members, especially those who are elderly or who live in rural areas, cannot access the internet.

Although their TV broadcast now reaches only Nairobi and its environs, the PCEA wants to broadcast a worship service across the country to its members on Sunday mornings. These will be in the predominant languages of the church: English, Kikuyu, Kiswahili, Kimeru, and Kimasaai. They are seeking funding to expand the capacity of their KIRK TV station for at least three months to cover the broadcasting of worship services, so people feel taken care of during this time. Nationwide signal distribution for 3 months costs $45,000. The people can watch it for free.

We would like to help the PCEA reach its goal and send Christ-exalting worship to the borders of Kenya. Remember these brothers and sisters as you gather around your computer, laptop or phone to study or worship with your church. Gifts may be sent to COVID-19 Emergency Appeal “PCEA.” Thank you!

Click here to learn more about the COVID-19 Emergency Appeal.