PCEA Church Construction - October 2020 Update


The building and dedication of Archer’s Post Church was a challenge. Geographically, it is situated about a 7-hour drive to the NE from our home. The tribe there are the Samburu and are cousins to the Maasai tribe. The area is very poor and arid almost desert. Building this church was difficult! Everything except sand and stones had to be carried from our home office. It is not far from Somalia and Ethiopia in the NE quadrant of Kenya and Muslims and Mosques dominate this region. So, I felt it was important that PCEA have a strong presence there. This is the fifth church that we have built in this area and this happens to be our 350th church built in East Africa.

The congregation was very excited about moving to their new modern church. Their old church was a 10 x 10 foot structure that might not stand a windstorm. It had mud floors with lots of ventilation in the walls. It was very difficult for them to attract new members with this poor structure.

The dedication went well. The church looked very good and I challenged the leadership to do some fishing and work on filling all the seats. They were planning on door to door evangelism and also starting a school in their old church. I know the new church will attract lots of new members. I also promised them help in building a new primary school.

Grateful for your partnership,

Stu Ross
East Africa Mission Consultant

Read more about PCEA Church Construction in Kenya HERE.

The Outreach Foundation is seeking gifts to help build PCEA churches ranging from $10,000 to $30,000 each. You may make a gift HERE or by sending a check to our office.