Pakistan Bible Correspondence School - August 2019 Update

Great is Thy faithfulness! Great is Thy faithfulness!
Morning by morning new mercies I see;
All I have needed Thy hand hath provided–
Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord unto me!
Thomas Chisholm

Dear friends,

We are thankful to God for all the mercies and blessings he has poured upon us. In 2018, we issued 4,603 certificates. We sent 217 Bibles, 704 New Testaments and 4,000 Christian books to Christian and non-Christian students. We received these encouraging student testimonies:

“I am thankful to PBCS for providing me this opportunity. It is very beneficial for my understanding of specific aspects of the Christian faith.”

Another student shared: “During PBCS courses it is very encouraging to learn that through the Holy Spirit, God himself helps people live godly lives that would otherwise be difficult for anyone on their own.”

After completing the course on Romans, a student said this: “From A to Z, this letter to the Romans is filled with Truth. I was living an ignorant life, but this course has opened my eyes.”

We currently have 548 students including approximately 73 Muslims. In the past 3 months, we organized several activities to help encourage and increase the number of students through discipling them, building their faith in Christ and equipping them to share the Good News among other tribes and nations.

During the month of Ramadan, we invited our Muslim students to “Breaking of the Fast” and more than 50 students participated. We also invited our Muslim students and their friends to a fellowship program in June. Approximately 70 people attended, and we were able to distribute Bibles to all participants and Qamoos-Ul-Kitab (Bible dictionaries) to special guests. Our goal is to increase the number of students who would like to study the living Word of God by the end of 2019.

We have issued more than 600 certificates during the last 4 months. About 25% of the certificates were issued to non-Christian students. Additionally, 15 Bibles, 80 New Testaments, and 525 Christian books were sent out free of charge.


• share the Word with more than 500 students

• distribute 400 Bibles and 1,000 New Testaments

• restore our Prison Ministry

Prayer Requests

• for peace in Pakistan, safety for our staff, and favorable conditions for outreach activities

• for students – some are sick and others have family issues

• that God will fulfill all our financial needs

I am thankful to God who has given me this opportunity to serve PBCS Faisalabad Center. I previously served PBCS Rawalpindi Center for 8 years. I earned my B.Th. from Zarephath Bible Seminary, Rawalpindi in 2006 and completed my M.Div. in 2018 from IGSL, Philippines.

Grateful for your partnership.

In his service,

Adeel Samuel
Designated Principal, PBCS

Read more about the Pakistan Bible Correspondence School HERE.

The Outreach Foundation is seeking gifts totaling $15,000 to facilitate the sharing of the Good News in Pakistan while opening the Bible to those who have never had access to it before. Make a gift HERE or by sending a check to our office.