Palestinian Bible Society - June 2019 Update

The Palestinian Bible Society (PBS) is a national office of the UBS (United Bible Societies) with its office in Jerusalem. The work was started in the Holy Land in 1816 and is still going on to this date. The work among the Palestinians was established in 1993. It is an inter-confessional Christian society committed to making the Word of God available to the Palestinians and has a strong vision for inviting Muslims to trust in and follow Jesus. We recently received news from PBS:

Trauma Healing Workshop
The Palestinian Bible Society staff led a trauma healing workshop in Ramallah at the end of May. The sixteen participants are now in small groups to implement what they learned.

Working with Churches
On June 1, PBS met with Father Joseph Matthew, the newly ordained Melkite Archbishop of Galilee. PBS leaders also met with the Anglican Archbishop in May to discuss ministry in Gaza. PBS has given over 1,500 New Testaments and Words that Changed the World, a book about the Sermon on the Mount, to his congregation.

Working with Community Leaders
In May, PBS leaders met with three Palestinian officials. They discussed collaboration with the Minister of Tourism and showed the Minister of Transportation bus stops PBS has worked on. With the new Prime Minister, they discussed the Christian community in the land and presented him with the Aaronic blessing in calligraphy, a Bible and Words that Changed the World. PBS and the Arab Orthodox Union held a Ramadan fast-breaking meal for Palestinian scout leaders and Jerusalem community leaders, celebrating positive Muslim-Christian relations in Jerusalem.

Please pray with us:
• for the 30-40 children’s and youth camps PBS will be involved in this summer
• for Gaza, our ministry and new plans there
• for the structure and organization of PBS
• for the Muslim community during the time following Ramadan

Thank you for your partnership,
The Outreach Foundation

Read more about the Palestinian Bible Society HERE.

The Outreach Foundation is seeking $25,000 to support the programs of the Palestinian Bible Society. Make a gift HERE or by sending a check to our office.