Updated Information on Tropical Cyclone Idai in Mozambique


Our hearts go out to the people of Mozambique, Malawi and Zimbabwe as they recover from Tropical Cyclone Idai, which affected 1.5 million people. According to reports, 90% of the Mozambique city of Beira may have been destroyed by the cyclone, impacting more than 500,000 people.

We received the following note from Sebber Banda, Project Director for the Holistic Evangelism Project in Mozambique, this morning. She is headed to visit the churches tomorrow:

Hello Dr. Rob,

Glad to hear from you. We are all doing fine.

Yes the storm affected us but not much damage, only the power supply was cut off. It's still not stable. I am going to Mozambique tomorrow God willing to check on things.

But I heard from Carlos (Project Assistant Carlos Faquione) that the damage is mainly in Beira where there was mass destruction. [Beira is on the coast about 200 miles south of Tete.] Damage to the other side was minor, and we thank God.

I wilI update you after I am back.

Thank you for your concern.

Grace and Peace,

Please keep the people of all three countries in your prayers. We will continue to share information as we receive it.

The Outreach Foundation

The Outreach Foundation