Clean Drinking Water in Kenya - March 2019 Update

Dear friends,

Water is life!

Two years ago, in this same area of Kenya, we saw horrible pictures of dead cattle due to drought. Water is life!

Children cannot bathe when there is inadequate water. They get sick because they have drunk dirty, unsafe water. Water is life!

When there is a drought, the men take their cattle to where there is water and grass. They leave their families behind. The families left behind suffer because their source of food, milk and meat is gone. They sometimes starve. Water is life!

Recently we brought life to this boys’ school and the area known as Namelok. We dedicated a new borehole (well).

There was a great celebration with about 500 children and adults. All the local chiefs, government officials and church leaders were in attendance. There was lots of singing and dancing by everyone because they know water is life!

The Outreach Foundation, in partnership with the Presbyterian Church of East Africa and generous donors, facilitated construction of the borehole. Every day, excited church people and villagers anxiously awaited the first drop of water. When it finally gushed, people danced. You see, water is life.

The good people of First Central Presbyterian Church in Abilene, Texas, came to see and celebrate with the Namelok folks. We all saw that water is life.

Thanks to all that supported this project, the local Namelok Church, the community, the Kajiado Presbytery, the Presbyterian Church of East Africa and The Outreach Foundation. We all banded together in the name of the one who gives living water because we know water is life.


Stu and Annie

Read more about Clean Drinking Water in Kenya HERE.

The Outreach Foundation is seeking gifts totaling $10,000 for gutters and tanks – $2,500 per site.

The Outreach Foundation