Frank Dimmock - February 2019 Update

Greetings in Christ Jesus, peace to you all. In reflecting over this past year with The Outreach Foundation, I am overwhelmed with gratitude for the privilege of working with such wonderful, committed colleagues and international church partners. It has been a year of challenges and victories, healing and encouragement. All praise is due to our wonderful Heavenly Father, from Whom all good things come.

I recently reflected on PEACE. What does it mean in the context where I serve? In and around South Sudan there is violence and conflict. Where can one find peace?

In John’s gospel when comforting his disciples (14:27), Jesus says, “... my peace I give you… Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” And again, following his resurrection when Jesus appears to his disciples, he comforts them saying, “Peace be with you!” All refugees have been traumatized, and their hearts have been wounded by their experiences. In order that Peace can be restored in their souls, the heart wounds must be healed, and forgiveness given and accepted.

In November I made an initial visit to South Sudanese refugees in the Kakuma Camp in northwestern Kenya. In addition to 14 growing Presbyterian congregations, the camp contains the Giffen Institute of Theology and the Presbyterian training program for nurse midwives. The Presbyterian Church of South Sudan continues expanding the Kingdom through holistic ministry despite regional conflict and the displacement of its members. They minister compassionately and sacrificially to widows and vulnerable children in their midst.

Yes, God is transforming his people from the inside out. I count it a blessing and am regularly inspired by the resilience and hope of the South Sudanese refugees with whom I work. They are reinforced by their strong faith and their certainty of God’s love (Romans 8:37-39). Indeed, it is God’s love in their hearts that makes them conquerors. Praise God.

I am often asked, “What can we do to make a difference?” My broad response is to:

Pray, Act, and Give

Pray the “Ps” – for peace, patience, perseverance, perspective and power together with lots of love and wisdom.

Act – Come and see. We don’t say this lightly. It is a profound way for you to fulfill your part in the Great Commandment and the Great Commission. It is a way for you to pray with knowledge and effectiveness. It is a way for you to connect and advocate for “the least of these.”

The Outreach Foundation is all about bringing brothers and sisters in Christ together around the world, to be a part of God’s Kingdom work. We also don’t say it lightly because travel and interaction in eastern/central Africa requires a strong heart and a strong constitution. But please come. We need you. Reach out.

Give – as the Holy Spirit leads. To the project of “Rebuilding Hope in South Sudan” and to my personal sending and support. And thank you for “your partnership in the Gospel” through generous giving to The Outreach Foundation.

God bless you and give you peace.

How to give:

1) Mail your gift designated “Rebuilding Hope in South Sudan” or “Dimmock support” to the Outreach office at the address below.
2) Give by credit card HERE or by calling the office at 615-778-8881.
3) Use the website above to set up automatic recurring deductions from your checking/savings account through a process called Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT).

THANK YOU for considering this need and opportunity.

With much love,
Frank Dimmock

Read more about Frank Dimmock’s ministry HERE.
Read more about Rebuilding Hope in South Sudan HERE.

The Outreach Foundation is seeking $100,000 to address needs requested by the Presbyterian Church of South Sudan: Bibles, hymnals, education, trauma healing, leadership development and emergency relief and $120,000 for program and support funds for Frank Dimmock.