Bill and Bette Bryant Crisis Nursery - January 2019 Update

Lusaka, Zambia

Dear friends and partners,

The following stories of young lives being transformed in Zambia would not be possible without your partnership and support for our work of caring for vulnerable children.

Alex (name changed for privacy) was admitted to the House of Moses on September 25, 2018. Although his actual date of birth was unknown, the House of Moses staff believed that Alex was about two months old. The staff always attempts to find the child’s immediate relative or parent but were not able to do so with Alex. The police in the Eastern Province where he was brought were unable to find his mother, who had dumped him in an unfinished house close to St. Francis Hospital.

Two women on their way to the maize field heard a baby crying and found Alex on the bare floor of the unfinished structure. They took him to the hospital and health care workers there took turns caring for him until his health improved and he was stable enough leave the hospital. Then the problem became, where would the baby live? Fortunately, a nurse who worked at the hospital needed to travel to Lusaka where there were better options for places for Alex. The nurse took him to the Department of Social Welfare (DSW) and was given a letter of permission to take Alex to the House of Moses. Within two weeks, he had gained weight and was doing very well. No one has come forward to claim him. Hopefully Alex will be adopted into a loving forever home soon.

Another child named Blessing (not her real name) was born to a mother who was abandoned by her boyfriend when she told him that she was pregnant. The pain of his rejection caused her to become mentally unbalanced. She left her home and started living on the streets. Blessing was born on June 9, 2018.

Blessing’s mother returned to her home after she got out of the hospital, although her mental state was still unstable. Blessing’s grandmother took care of the baby most of the time, but the baby was often neglected and not fed properly by her mother, so the grandmother decided to seek help. She made inquiries from friends and neighbors and was told that she should take the baby to DSW for help with infant formula. Blessing’s grandmother visited DSW and was referred to the House of Moses.

Blessing was admitted to the House of Moses on August 3. She quickly adjusted to life in the facility and is eating, playing, and sleeping very well. She is a quiet and well-behaved. Meanwhile her mother has been hospitalized at the Chainama Mental Hospital and is receiving treatment as a residential patient.

Caring for vulnerable children is costly and requires people who are committed and invested in the lives of the children. Your support in saving these lives is very important and we are grateful for you coming alongside us in Africa and other places. Your partnership has transformed stories of loss and heartbreak into stories of love and joy.

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Ebralie Mwizerwa
Projects Coordinator

Read more about the Bill and Bette Bryant Crisis Nursery in Lusaka, Zambia HERE.

The Outreach Foundation is seeking $60,000 for the Bill and Bette Bryant Crisis Nursery to continue its work in God’s mission.