Women's Ministries in Africa - August 2018 Update

Tumekutana Prayer Letter

Tumekutana, which means “we have come together,” is a conference of Presbyterian women leaders in Africa who gather to support each other and to unite with the global church. The Outreach Foundation supported Tumkekutana in Ghana in 2015 and will do so again in Johannesburg, South Africa, September 15-21, 2018. We recently received this note from the Tumekutana Executive Committee:

Dear sisters, friends and partners of Tumekutana,

Greetings in the name of our precious Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ,

We want everyone to know that there have been many women involved in helping Tumekutana come into being, through the power of the Holy Spirit and the love of God in Christ. Bridget, Bukie, Veronica, Jessie, and Rebecca comprise the Executive Committee. We also have a Planning Team which includes Janet Guyer and Christi Boyd, PC(USA) mission co-workers who work with women’s concerns in Africa, and Caryl Weinberg and Amy McAuley, members of First Presbyterian Church in Evanston, Illinois.

Thanks to our Almighty God, who controls the universe, for everything he does for us. We thank him for bringing Caryl into our lives and giving her the wisdom to work with Tumekutana.

We thank him for our secretaries, Jessie and Rebecca, who are so dedicated to their secretarial work and which they do as if it is the only work they are engaged in, leaving no stone unturned for the success of Tumekutana. These two together with Bridget and Bukie form a strong team which we thank our Lord for. Please join us as we pray for these women.

In the past few months, the Tumekutana Executive Committee and Planning Team have been having regular conference calls discussing and planning our gathering. We are blessed to have an amazing local Organizing Committee led by our VP, Bukelwa Hans, doing the groundwork in South Africa.

During our last call, we realized that we do not have sufficient funds to cover the expenses associated with hosting this gathering. While we have paid for the conference center and accommodations, we do not have enough funds to cover the ticket price for all the delegates as well as some other conference expenses. At Tumekutana, our help has always been from God and we acknowledge that ours has always been a journey of faith and of God’s provision for every need.

The Executive Committee decided to invite all of us to fast and pray weekly. We will unite in prayer from our different countries every Wednesday starting August 1st, asking that God would graciously grant us all we need to have a truly successful gathering. We plan to begin sending invitation letters this week so that the women can begin their visa applications as soon as they receive their letters. Visas to South Africa are sometimes difficult to obtain, so we need to pray for this as well.

Thank you for making this journey lighter with your love and companionship.

In Christ,
Jessie Fubara-Manuel

Read more about Women's Ministries in Africa HERE.

The Outreach Foundation is seeking $20,000 for women’s conferences, training including Bibles, retreats, and small income-generating projects.

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