Namumu Orphanage Center - June 2018 Update

Siavonga, Zambia

Dear friends,

We have seen tremendous progress at Namumu Orphanage Center since the beginning of this year. We have already celebrated high school, nursing and teaching degree graduations. Namumu now has cattle and poultry to supplement the children’s diets and is earning revenue from selling milk and eggs. The local Siavonga Rotary Club has been involved in helping with renovations, and we are looking forward to more graduations.

This garden is also being revamped. The children are involved in this project which not only imparts a sense of ownership but also trains and equips them in how to earn money and helps to prepare them for a bright future. 

In early January 2018 the Namumu board said good-bye to Mr. Phanuel Simamba and welcomed a new coordinator, Mr. Siakwale Matomola, who has kept us informed about each step of the progress being made. Mr. Matomola writes:
“We are proud of our produce despite some challenges. We are doing our best to overcome them. We have now reached 50 liters (approximately 13 gallons) of milk produced/day and production increases daily. We are selling less and retaining more to feed the children.” 

The board chair, members of the board, and fellow home management personnel have been supportive of the new coordinator. They have engaged a consultant to advise them on the way forward. Each board member has been invited to meet with the consultant and offer input and suggestions on the strategic plan. The consultant plans to complete the document soon.

The Siavonga Rotary Club helped renovate the boys’ dormitory. The amazing work has been completed, and we are grateful. The club helped with painting, roofing, and changing all the toilet systems. Pictured at right is Mr. Douglas, Rotary president from Lusaka. Rotarians visited the children and offered encouragement to them on Thursday, May 31, 2018.

Rev. Charles Ngoma, treasurer of the Namumu board, recently wrote a note to his fellow board members that I feel will also be an inspiration to all of us: “In this second half of the year remember that you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you (Philippians 4:13). I pray that there will be nothing impossible or difficult for you in this second half of the year. May God open that door for you in Jesus’ mighty name. Bless you.”  

We are so grateful for the Reformed Church of Zambia, Siavonga congregation for stepping in and being the body of Christ to the children at Namumu. There are church leaders from other congregations on the Namumu board as well. 

We look forward to receiving and sharing the strategic plan. We also look forward to visiting with children at Namumu and engaging more with their families for the transforming care needed to bring change to the children in Africa. 

We are grateful for all the ways you encourage us to continue this kingdom work. 

Serving Christ together
Ebralie Mwizerwa, Projects Coordinator

Read more about Namumu HERE.

The Outreach Foundation is seeking $30,000 to feed, clothe, offer medical care, and educate children at Namumu.