PCEA Mabati Church Construction - April 2018 Update


The Outreach Foundation’s East Africa Mission Catalyst Stu Ross recently shared the following news from Kenya:

We just dedicated Mary Hill Church, which is located in Aberdare Presbytery. Working with our partner, the Presbyterian Church of East Africa, we have completed ten churches in this presbytery. There are two more churches on our list here to finish. By building this sanctuary, we brought the congregation from under a tree to this beautiful structure.

Why We Dedicate Churches
There are several reasons we dedicate a church. By dedicating a church, we let the whole community know that the new church is open. Secondly, many friends bring gifts of money and articles needed for the church to the dedication. Seventy plastic chairs and cash were donated at this dedication. Thirdly, it is a time thank people for all their help. One member of the church gave an acre of land as well as money towards the construction of the church. He now wants to now partner with The Outreach Foundation to build a school next to the church.

Everyone enjoyed themselves at the dedication. After the service, all 300 of us shared a great meal. Mary Hill is the 297th church that Outreach has constructed in East Africa. We will dedicate our 300th church on April 29, which will be the PCEA Manyatta Church.

Thanks to everyone for your prayers and financial support. We are very grateful for your generosity.

Stu and Annie Ross, East Africa Mission consultants

Read more about PCEA Mabati Church Construction in Kenya HERE.

The Outreach Foundation is seeking $8,000-10,000 for each new church building.