PCEA Mabati Church Construction - November 2018 Update


Dear friends,

PCEA Enengetia Church
Several weeks ago while I was in the U.S. visiting congregations, the dedication of PCEA Enengetia Church in the Narok area in Maasai Land took place. Enengetia Church was established in January 1985 with five members. It grew to about 40 members. Then during the election violence and the tribal clashes of 1994, the church shrank to almost nothing. Many of the members and families left the area due to insecurity about their safety. Only a remnant was left.

Despite the dwindling numbers, the remaining members kept the faith. That faithful few are now back to forty members and growing. The first picture is the rusty church building with mud floors that the congregation just left to move to the beautiful new church. Their new church will attract many more members who will then be able to go out into the community and show the face of Jesus to others.

This is their hope as written in the dedication bulletin, “Since God has built himself a beautiful Sanctuary by using you, we are trusting him to use us to bring many more to fill these benches and chairs. We offer ourselves to use this added talent for the glory of God. God Bless you all!”

PCEA Bolohalo Church
Several years ago, we dedicated PCEA Bolohalo Church in Northern Kenya not far from Marsabit Town, a very poor area. I recently visited with a young, very sharp minister, Rev. James Mwaura Njiha. One of his churches is Bolohalo. When I asked him how the church was doing, he replied, “Fantastically!” The church has grown to 76 adults and over 50 children. More importantly they have partnered with Compassion International and together they are supporting 204 children – feeding and educating them. If the church had not been built, this would not have happened. We may be helping Rev. Njiha finish the Marsabit Town Church next year. He wants this church to be a mission center for the Marsabit area.

This is the ripple effect of your great work, which happens in many churches that Outreach has helped to build.

Blessings and thank you all for your financial and prayerful support.

Stu and Annie Ross, East Africa Mission Consultants

Read more about PCEA Mabati Church Construction in Kenya HERE.

The Outreach Foundation is seeking $8,000-10,000 for each new church building.