Church Construction in Kenya - July 2017 Update

Dear friends,

Stu Ross, The Outreach Foundation’s mission staff in Kenya, has been busy this summer with visiting volunteer church teams and church dedications. In this update, Stu shares stories about three of the PCEA churches in Kenya that were recently completed and dedicated – Nagum, Olosirkon, and Suswa.

Stu writes about the dedication of Nagum Church: “This beautiful church was dedicated today, July 16. One of the remarkable things about this church is that it is in a very remote location with no water, no stores, and no roads. But people are there, and the church was crowded. The people were so happy with their new church. 

The group from First Presbyterian Church in Thomasville, GA that built Nagum Church did a great job, traveling almost three hours each way to the site. This is the sixth church we have built in this growing area. The people there are asking for another church even further afield. The hospitality from this church was unbelievable; they were very welcoming.”

Also from Stu, about the Olosirkon Church dedication: “Imagine the joy of the Olosirkon congregation as we processed from the old mabati (steel) church to their new stone church. It took two years to complete. The church is beautiful with a ceramic tile floor, high curved altar, stained glass window on the back wall, two side rooms, and a handicap ramp at the front entrance. 

Friends came from the five other parish churches to share in the celebration, and the congregation swelled to 450 people. Our friend Rev. Festus Gitonga, the past Secretary General, officiated. A well-respected leader of the Presbyterian Church of East Africa, the RT. Rev. Jesse Kamau, preached the Word. Our U.S. friends from First Presbyterian Church in Endicott, NY assisted us in completing the church. They worked with church members to paint the entire church and prepare it for the dedication.”

Stu continues: “We dedicated another church deep in Maasai land, PCEA Suswa Church. The church is located in the Narok side of Maasai land, over 70 kms (~43 miles) away on a bush dirt road off the paved road. Another very remote area.

The congregation was very happy with their new church. They moved from a 20 x 10 wooden structure with dirt floors which couldn’t seat their 69 members and 120 children. This new structure will allow the church to grow in this area. They plan on using their new church as a nursery school during the week. And since it is the only permanent structure in the area, it will also be used as a community meeting place. Members and people that aren’t even members yet will become Christians here, be baptized here, married here and have funerals in this church. This will become the center of the community, the center of their life.”

The Outreach Foundation is grateful for your partnership with Stu Ross in East Africa.

Read more about PCEA Stone Church Construction by clicking HERE.
Read more about PCEA Mabati Church Construction by clicking HERE.

There are many more congregations in need of gathering structures for worship and community life. Outreach is seeking gifts totaling $120,000 for four stone churches at $30,000 each and $80,000 to $100,000 for a new Mabati church building.