Bethlehem Bible College - May 2017 Update

Bethlehem, Palestine

An invitation to the Bethlehem Bible College Conference
Christ and the Checkpoint: Jesus at the Center
May 28 – June 1, 2018

Ajith Fernando

Ajith Fernando

We believe that theology and religion are important and continue to shape how people around the world view the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. There is a lot of fear and rejection of the "other" and the commandments of Jesus are cast aside. Our goal is to return to the basics of our faith and bring Jesus back to the center when it comes to kingdom and end-time theology, Christian advocacy for peace that is rooted in justice, and our mission to our neighbor. 

Bethlehem Bible College invites you to the fifth "Christ at the Checkpoint" conference in Bethlehem from May 28-June 1, 2018. The conference hopes to follow the success of the first four conferences. The theme of this conference will be "Christ at the Checkpoint 5: Jesus at the Center." Christians worldwide continue to be divided on the Israeli-Palestinian issue, favoring one side over the other. This conference provides a much-needed platform for Evangelical Christians to learn about and become engaged in working towards Christ-led solutions for peace. Our conferences are unique and offer a valuable opportunity for a complete immersion in a living classroom where conflict is a tangible, day-to-day reality. There will be renowned speakers, both international and Palestinian, with an openness to diverse perspectives. We are pleased to announce that the Bible studies will be led by Ajith Fernando, teaching director of Youth for Christ in Sri Lanka and an award-winning author.

Visit the conference website by clicking HERE for more information. Come join us in Bethlehem in 2018! 
Rev. Dr. Munther Issac, Academic Dean, Bethlehem Bible College
Christ at the Checkpoint Conference Director    

Read more about Bethlehem Bible College by clicking HERE.

Outreach is seeking $2,000 per month to support the mission and ministry of Bethlehem Bible College.