Women's Ministries in Africa - December 2017 Update

Dear friends,

In 2016, The Outreach Foundation included “Goats for Rwanda” as an alternative Christmas gift to honor a loved one. The gift of a goat is very beneficial financially to a Rwandan household. Goats produce milk which is sold for drinking or making cheese and yogurt. As “payment,” the families team up with others from their church to breed the goats. The resulting kids are then given to other church families.

A gift of 34 goats from The Outreach Foundation was given to 34 households from the Matyazo Sub Parish of the Presbyterian Church in Rwanda (EPR), Gitarama Presbytery. The General Assembly of the Sub-Parish selected the deserving households on November 5. A committee of three people appointed by the Sub-Parish Council met with the representatives of the beneficiaries at the area market place on November 9. Each family representative was given the chance to select a goat of his/her choice. 

The beneficiaries were delighted with the gift of the goat. The special gift is going to boost their financial situation, their family welfare and help them to contribute to the development of their church and community. They refer to the gift as “manna” from heaven because, as they say, it really has come from God as help in these times is hard to find. 

Each of the beneficiaries promised to offer the first female born of the goats to another needy family that was not selected in the first round. They are grateful to The Outreach Foundation through the Women and Family Program of EPR for the gift.  

Gabriel Akimana    
Pastor of Matyazo Church Plant

Note from The Outreach Foundation
Outreach has been supporting the Women’s Ministries in Africa project for several years. This project supports small income-generating projects that enable women to be self-reliant, take care of their families, and help the community at large. Increased self-reliance helps to reduce poverty and to expand the work of the church. Through this project, we have supported women in Rwanda, Zambia and Zimbabwe for income-generating activities.

Read more about Women's Ministries in Africa HERE.

The Outreach Foundation is seeking $20,000 for women’s conferences, training including Bibles, retreats, and small income-generating projects.

Women's Ministries in Africa December 2017 update women and goats.jpg