Bethlehem Bible College - November 2017 Update

Dear friends,

Greetings from Bethlehem Bible College! I hope you are well and prospering in all that our Lord has called you to do.  

As we approach the end of 2017, we look back over the year to evaluate how we have managed what the Lord has given into our hands and to look forward to planning how we can best follow in his footsteps in the future. We are happy to share the success of our college programs. We have students studying for their BA degree in Biblical Studies and Christian Education, for their MA degree in Christian Leadership and Ministry, and for their diploma in Tour Guiding and Mass Media. Click the video on this page to see a testimony from one of our successful graduates.

God has opened yet another door for us at Bethlehem Bible College – our Online Diploma Program in Biblical Studies has attracted students from around the world! Refugees from Syria and Iraq, Palestinians living abroad, and others from the very heart of the Muslim world study together in this interactive program. They draw from our instructors and from one another a sense of community and great encouragement that they may not have in their home country due to persecution. We are in awe of how God is using technology to create a community with Christ seekers that once felt lonely in towns teeming with ISIS. 

All of this is possible because of the generous donations of our faithful supporters – YOU! As we enter this season of Thanksgiving and Giving, we encourage you to introspection. What has God given you a passion about? How can you connect to these things? We hope that part of your passion is to see his Kingdom expand throughout the earth! That is certainly our passion!

Warmly from Bethlehem,
Development and Communications Team

Read more about Bethlehem Bible College by clicking HERE.

The Outreach Foundation is seeking $2,000 per month to support the mission and ministry of Bethlehem Bible College.