Women's Ministries in Africa - November 2017 Update

Dear friends of women’s ministries in Rwanda,

Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. I hope this note finds you well. 

We are grateful to you and to The Outreach Foundation for the support we received for Bibles for both women and children. It is a great gift to receive a Bible especially for people newly evangelized who cannot afford to buy one for themselves. It may be hard to comprehend how much it means and the happiness your gift brought to these believers. I cannot put a value on the joy I see on the faces of the children and mothers as they return home with a Bible in their hands, holding it tightly to their chests like a highly valued treasure. 

Dear Outreach friends, with part of the gift you sent we were able to procure 300 Bibles for women in Gitarama Presbytery, as well as children’s Bibles and hymnals. We gave Bibles to those who did not have one and who could not afford one themselves, most of whom are women and children. We purchased “Bibiliya Yera” Bibles with large print which is easier for everyone to read, especially older people. We also distributed 300 Bibles to children in other communities. Each of these recipients appreciates this life-giving gift which strengths their spiritual life and knowledge of the word. Having a Bible in their own language is a great gift. The presence of the word of God in their homes brings hope to families.

The gift of a goat is a blessing for women in rural areas where a goat is seen as an ATM machine – it generates revenue for the family in many ways and is life-changing. 

The money for 50 goats was sent to Matyazo Sub Parish. They have selected the beneficiaries from the poorest people among the poor. I was part of the meeting which compiled that list together with deacons and elders. The joy of the beneficiaries was unbelievable when they found out they were selected. We expect to distribute the goats to the beneficiaries soon. We are sorry that the process has been long, but it was necessary to be careful. I will send photos of the goats after distribution. 

Once again thank you, for your concern, understanding for women and children issues, and the hope you display through the solidarity and partnership in the work of the Kingdom. 

Remain blessed.

Rev. Rosemary Ibyishaka
The Presbyterian Church of Rwanda

Read more about Women's Ministries in Africa by clicking HERE.

The Outreach Foundation is seeking $20,000 for women’s conferences, training including Bibles, retreats, and small income-generating projects.