John McCall - October 2017 Update


Taipei, Taiwan

Dear friends,

I recently took the bullet train for a short half-hour ride from Taipei to a new city near the Taiwan Science Park. This area is Taiwan's Silicon Valley. Most of Taiwan's cutting-edge, high tech industry is located in this area. What used to be all rice fields is now many upscale, high-rise condominiums. While Taiwan's birthrate is dropping, this area has the highest birthrate in all of Taiwan. Many of the young engineers and software folks who work and live in this area are having children.

Thirteen years ago, the Presbyterian Church decided to start a new church development in this neighborhood. The founding pastor is a man who is full of joy and shares life with his church members. When I had dinner with the pastor and several of the members, one of the member's six-year-old son loved to sit with the pastor. This church is full of first-generation Christians who have come to know Christ's love through this congregation.

I was asked to preach a Saturday night renewal service as well as a Sunday morning service. Sunday afternoon I did a training for the presbytery pastors, elders, and deacons. I was impressed with the openness of the members, as well as their joy. It was encouraging to see their outreach to all these young engineers and their families. Their lives could just be full of work and paying off the loans on their expensive condos, but instead they have been invited to share in the fullness of life which Christ offers to them.

As I headed back on the bullet train to Taipei, I gave thanks for the ministry of Pastor Peng and this church. It is thrilling to see how God is using them to reach this demographic.

May you have joy in this coming week,


Read more about John McCall's ministry by clicking HERE.

The Outreach Foundation is seeking $10,000 for support funds for John McCall.