Bill and Bette Bryant Crisis Nursery - September 2016 Update


Thriving at Bill and Bette Bryant Crisis Nursery
A Story of One Child

Precious (not his real name) has the warmest smile and the biggest bright eyes. He has been in the care of Christian Alliance for Children in Zambia, our partner in caring for vulnerable children, since he was 13 days old. CACZ has helped him grow and thrive to the best of his ability. The staff, made up of caregivers, teachers, nurses and housemothers, has been there for him cheering him on from the minute he took his first step, caring for him when he got sick and showering him with love and endless care. 
Precious’s warm spirit has captivated the hearts of not only his caregivers, but also those working in the administration department and visitors. 
Currently, Precious is residing at Bill and Bette Bryant Crisis Nursery. He has been in the home for almost a year, and he seems to really be enjoying it. Bill and Bette Bryant Crisis Nursery offers a special learning environment that aims to facilitate optimal growth and development, whether physical, social or emotional. Precious has shown great progress in many areas of his development and has in the process managed to overcome a number of phobias. 
For example, in his early days Precious was afraid of heights and this left him unable to play and make full use of the jungle gym. However, with encouragement from the children and caregivers, he was able to overcome this fear and not only conquer the jungle gym, but also develop his gross motor skills. 

This picture shows Precious completing some of his favorite activities when in class. He enjoys drawing and tracing shapes and coloring pictures. Precious was one of those children who did not really like the classroom environment when he first moved to Bill and Bette Bryant Nursery because it often challenged him to get out of his comfort zone and socialize with other children, dance and sing along. However, he is now usually the first to go to school and even leads others in song and dance. 

Read more about the Bill and Bette Bryant Crisis Nursery by clicking HERE.

Amount needed in 2016

The Outreach Foundation seeks to raise at least $60,000 or $5,000 per month to care for infants and young children like Precious. To make a donation, click HERE.

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