Namumu Orphanage Center - March 2016 Update

Siavonga, Zambia

Dear friends and supporters of Namumu Orphanage Center,

Greetings from The Outreach Foundation and from the Namumu children in Siavonga, Zambia. 

There are so many changes that have occurred at Namumu in recent days that we would like to bring to you for prayer as we update you on the situation at the center. 

Following the good year in 2014 when several Namumu children graduated from high school, recruitment of other children to take the place of those who left has moved ahead in keeping with recommendations of the District Social Welfare Department. Zenzo Sidembo recently wrote: “The recruitment exercise is almost complete, and we are only waiting to pick three children from Matuwa village. It was interesting though touching going out in the villages to see the actual poverty levels and getting a child from a family was a relief to them. The work you are doing is really touching many lives in Zambia (John 14:18). We really thank you for your support.”

Zenzo also mentioned that the 2015 Income Generating Activities (Fishing and Poultry) did not perform as expected due to challenges in the market. The Inflation Rate in Zambia averaged 9.56 percent from 2005 until 2016, reaching a low of 6 percent in December of 2011 and an all-time high of 21.80 percent in January of 2016. High inflation in Zambia meant a broad rise in prices for consumers. For example, the cost of fuel to run the boats went up, as did the cost of spare parts, transportation, poultry feed and medicines. Zenzo also reported natural challenges, like bad weather on the lake that is usually characterized by heavy wind that damages the boats. Other man-made challenges include a reduced fish population caused by over fishing and poor fishing methods. In 2016 the government is going to implement serious regulations that will hopefully save the fish industry from total collapse. The Military personnel (Marine unit) will be patrolling the lake to arrest illegal fishermen. 

Namumu also has a newly elected board. We hope that the new board that started in January 2016 will engage the Namumu administration and staff in addressing serious management issues that we have identified and that they will work to increase local revenue and contributions. They have informed us that they intend to do more with fishing than just catching and selling to local traders. They are exploring delivering the fish to bigger markets, like those in Lusaka, and making small fish packets to sell local supermarkets in and outside Siavonga. They are also reducing the chicken population to a manageable 400 birds which will be easier to feed and sell for profit.

Other recent progress at Namumu includes a general operations and financial audit done by an outside audit firm from Lusaka. The Outreach Foundation and partners who traveled to Namumu in recent years have expressed fears around accountability and transparency. We are grateful to all of you who expressed concerns that funds should be focused on improving the lives of the children.  

The Primefield Audit firm from Lusaka did a thorough financial auditing for the 2014 and 2015 accounts as well as analyzing the staff operations. They produced a useful report at the conclusion of their work with good accounting advice to the board and the management of Namumu. We will continue to work with the management and the board as they implement the recommendations. The lengthy audit report is available in our office, and we would be happy to share it with supporters who would like to see it.

We are grateful for the many congregations and individuals who have reached out to Namumu in recent years. God bless you all as you seek to bless and change children’s lives in Christ’s Name.

If you have questions about Namumu and its ministry, please contact Projects Coordinator Ebralie Mwizerwa at (615) 778-8881 or at 

Thankful for your partnership,

The Outreach Foundation

Read more about Namumu Orphanage Center by clicking HERE.

Amount needed in 2016

The Outreach Foundation seeks to raise at least $5,000 per month for Namumu Orphanage. To make a donation, click the Donate Now link in the sidebar.

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