Girls' Rescue Centers/Girls' Education-March 2016 Update

Editor's Note:  As stated on our home page, we in the Outreach family mourn the passing of Linda Ross.  Linda and Stu's Kenya ministry is one of the most effective church and school development projects of which we are aware.  The Girls' Rescue Centers were a particular passion of Linda's.  We honor her through this update, which was written by her shortly before her passing.

Dear friends,

Some tribes in Kenya have a cultural practice that forces young girls into early marriage and circumcision. Several years ago, the Lord opened our hearts to help these girls through rescue centers. There are now a number of Girls’ Rescue Centers in various locations where we work.

These Girls’ Rescue Centers provide security and education for girls as young as nine years old. They also provide shelter and places for those who flee after being forced into marriage. 

The Girl's Rescue Center at Olosho-olbor in Maasai land is a lifesaver for all of the girls who live there because they have no other place to go. Hope (not her real name), a 13 year old girl, was recently added to the number. She was married off by her family to a man 60 years old. She had been attending school before her marriage and her school's head teacher was an elder at Olosho-olbor Presbyterian Church. He knew about Hope's situation and informed the Rescue Center. They started looking for her and she was found and brought to the Center. She is now very happy and thankful to be in a safe place and back in school. Even though she has been out of school for a year she is at the head of her class. She now has a chance to get an education and to make her own life decisions and choices.

Mama Esther’s, another school and rescue center, was started in partnership with individuals in the United States, The Outreach Foundation and the Presbyterian Church in Kenya. Even though it is still under construction, there are already over 30 children attending school in its first year. It was not intended for the school to be primarily a rescue center but 25% of the kids are rescued.

Some of the older rescued girls are fortunate to attend Grace High School, a boarding school. It costs $450 per year for one girl to be at a boarding high school like at Grace High School. It costs $300 per year for a girl at Mama Esther’s or at any other rescue center. You have always been faithful to help and we trust that you will once again join us to save these children.

We are fortunate to work with Rev. Charles Maina, a minister who has a heart for these young girls. He leaves his family and a comfortable home and lives near the school in a Maasai boma during the week and only goes home on weekends. He is a dedicated servant!

We are so grateful for many of you who are supporting this work. We appreciate all of you who are ready to join this great crowd of witnesses to rescue lives which would otherwise perish.


Stu and Linda

Read more about Girls' Rescue Centers/Girls' Education by clicking HERE.

Amount needed in 2016

The Outreach Foundation seeks to raise at least $10,000 for Girls' Rescue Centers in Kenya, at least $450 for each girl in high school, and $300 in elementary school. To make a donation, click the Donate Now link in the sidebar.

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