Palestinian Bible Society - November 2016 Update

The Third Annual Bible Day Accomplished with Success!

This is the third year that the Palestinian Bible Society carried out one of its biggest programs known as the Bible Day Event. The emphasis this year was on Palestinian youth and the role of the Bible in their lives. The event took place at the Cultural Palace in Ramallah with over 1,000 people attending! 

“So that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s” was the title of this special and long anticipated conference, with a focus on three main issues: love God and his word, love your neighbor, and love your country and citizenship.

The conference attracted more than 1,000 youth from Palestinian cities ranging from Jenin in the north all the way to Bethlehem in the south. People began to arrive in buses in the early morning hours, and a large number of church leaders and pastors accompanied their youth. This special event has become a milestone to celebrate unity and the inclusion of all churches under the title of the Bible. 

The conference began with the Lord’s Prayer and then a time of praise and worship led by well-known Palestinian singers from the Bethlehem area. The program included meditation on the Word of God and a powerful panel discussion between members of the audience and church leaders. 

The panel included Catholic father Raed Abu Sahlieh and Evangelical pastor Bilal Habibi. Father Raed spoke about the importance of Christianity in the Holy Land and how each Palestinian Christian youth should be joyful and encouraged to say that the birth of Jesus, his life, crucifixion and triumph over death all took place in this land, not somewhere in Europe, not somewhere in the U.S.A., but “here”! 

Pastor Balil gave an important lecture about the authenticity of the Bible. His lecture answered questions, challenges and misconceptions the youth have regarding the truth of the Bible.

During the event the PBS launched its new application for smart phones. Everyone can now upload the app and enjoy reading the Bible and other PBS publications on it. PBS memory sticks (USB) were also distributed to the young people so they can benefit from the content and enrich their spiritual lives. 

PBS director Mr. Nashat Filmon thanked all who were present and  said: “This conference has become a very important part of our message; we work hard every year to attract large numbers of people from different churches and by doing so we are creating an amazing mosaic picture compiled of every Christian denomination. It is very beautiful that brothers and sisters meet; it is very beautiful to see the young Palestinian Christian living in the Word of God, and it is a joy to announce love and peace in our beloved country.” 

More than 4,000 different scriptures and Bibles were distributed throughout this special event!    

Thank you for your partnership,

The Outreach Foundation

Read more about the Palestinian Bible Society by clicking HERE.

$25,000 to support the programs of the Palestinian Bible Society
















$25,000 to support the programs of the
Palestinian Bible Society 

November 2016