Bethlehem Bible College - July 2015 Update

Bethlehem, Israel

Dear Friends of Bethlehem Bible College, 

Rev. Dr. Jack Y. Sara, BBC President

Rev. Dr. Jack Y. Sara, BBC President

Grace and peace to you from the Land of Christ, the very place that Jesus came to earth to be born, to live and die and pay the ultimate sacrifice for the whole world. But also from the land of resurrection and Pentecost. God has honored Bethlehem Bible College to be the only Palestinian Arabic training college in the whole country, where leaders and students come to learn and be equipped for the work of the Kingdom and for advancing the cause of Christ not just locally but also globally. Furthermore, with our graduates from the Tour Guide Department and from the Journalism and Media Department we are preparing leaders to impact the country and make positive changes in our society.

With all of this as well as celebrating the fact that we just graduated around 50 students last month, we can say: “Thus far the Lord has helped us.” We offer thanksgiving to our Lord and Savior Jesus for helping us achieve the goals we have set. We are now planning and praying for the season ahead of us, so that it is fruitful and abundant with God's marvelous blessings. 

"Then Samuel took a stone and set it up between Mizpah and Shen. He named it Ebenezer, saying, "Thus far the Lord has helped us."  1 Samuel 7:12 (NIV)

At the graduation ceremony, each department chose a delegate to give a word of thanks during the ceremony. Jwana Zreinah gave a speech on behalf of the Bible Studies Program. Thekrayat Khair spoke on behalf of the Mass Media Department, and Gabriela gave a short speech representing the students of the Tour Guide Department.

The Mayor of Bethlehem, Ms. Vera Baboun, gave an encouraging speech to the graduates. As her final instruction she urged the graduates to love and serve their homeland whether in Media or in Tourism or in Church Ministry. During the ceremony Rev. Alex Awad was honored with an honorary doctorate degree and Rev. Dr. Hanna Katanacho with the title of professor. Additionally, Mrs. Shirin Hilal was formally introduced as Bethlehem Bible College’s new Dean of Students. The celebration concluded with the Lord's Prayer sung by the Bethlehem Bible College Choir and a word of prayer by Rev. Alex Awad.

We encourage individuals, churches and groups to become personally involved in helping theological education continue at Bethlehem Bible College. Our mandate is to train interested young Christians to become church leaders, teachers, pastors, tour guides, media specialists, care workers, etc. At a time when religious fundamentalism is rapidly gaining ground in the Middle East, supporting students who are willing to stand for the Lord Jesus Christ is a truly important financial investment.

Prayer Requests
•    Pray that new students will be led by God to study at BBC.
•    Pray for our Women’s Ministry (A Pot in His Hand) led by Mrs. Madeline Sara and a group of committed ladies. 
•    Pray for our new colleagues to be able to serve God and build his kingdom through their work with us at BBC.
•    Pray for the Shepherd Society's ministry among the Syrian and Iraqi refugees, that God may use his followers to show them the love of Christ and bless their lives.

In Christ,

Rev. Dr Jack Y. Sara, President

Note: The Outreach Foundation is grateful for your partnership in this ministry to train leaders for the church in Israel and other places

Read more about the ministry of Bethlehem Bible College by clicking HERE.

Amount needed in 2015

The Outreach Foundation seeks to raise at least $850 per month for overall support of Bethlehem Bible College. To make a donation, click the Donate Now link in the sidebar.

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