Clean Drinking Water in Kenya - February 2014 Update

Nasoronoi water project-Stu.jpeg


Dear Friends,

The phrase “water is life” was heard many times this day! We recently dedicated the borehole at Nasoroni. This town has been without water for three years. We found out about their situation while we were building their church. The fifteen year-old generator used at their borehole died and couldn't be repaired. We teamed up with another NGO and the village to raise approximately $12,000 and bought them a new generator.

During the three years without water, the women and children had to walk to fetch water from their neighboring town about one km away. Every single drop of water had to be carried either by donkey or by the women on their backs. Now the women and children will have time to do more productive work. The local school almost closed for lack of water. The village with some 5,000 people and 18,000 cattle and goats now has water!

Nasaroni is located in Maasai land about 60 km from the Tanzanian border. The area is very remote, arid and very hot. We have built five churches in this area and are in the process of building another. The minister we work with here, the Rev. Charles Maina, is truly a saint. He is very holistic, thinking not only about the spiritual needs of the people but also about health and education. He is also very interested in empowering the women. Rev. Maina preached on "Healing of the Water" 2 Kings 2 verses 19-21 at the commissioning of the borehole.  

Please pray for our work in this remote Maasai area. Pray also for Charles Maina and the Maasai as he extends the Kingdom in the harsh land.


Stu and Linda Ross
East Africa Mission Staff

Learn more about Clean Drinking Water in Kenya by clicking here.

Amount needed in 2014

The Outreach Foundation seeks to raise at least $30,000 for a borehole in Kenya. To make a donation, click the Donate Now link in the sidebar.

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