Church Construction in Kenya - January 2014 Update

Church Construction in Kenya January 2014 update.jpg

Dear Friends,

We would like to share with you the eventful dedication for the Bura-Baraka Church. It was a very special event in so many ways.

First, it was an adventure just traveling 12 hours to the church site. Four vehicles from Nairobi went in a convoy, which was especially important when we traveled through the 100 km road just before Garissa known as the "danger zone." This is where El Shabab targets vehicles traveling. This area is very close to Somalia. You are not allowed to travel at night through this zone.

When we reached Garissa we passed through a police check. Immediately afterward, a police officer came to the car and said, “I am Presbyterian. You must be the visitors from Nairobi. I am the Commandant of Police for Garissa, and I will escort you to my church where you will have lunch." We had lunch at the Garissa church and then proceeded on with the same police escort to the highway to Bura.

We had a three to four hour trip ahead of us on a miserable road. When we arrived at Bura at the hostel where we were to sleep, the temperature was about 100 degrees calling each of us for a shower. We ate at about 9:00 pm then went to bed. The area is VERY poor and ninety percent Muslim.

The next morning we all got up early in anticipation of the dedication. This was such a special dedication that the three key members of the PCEA management team, the Moderator, the Secretary General and the Deputy, were present. They all thought it was important to attend. The PCEA Moderator preached on mission and going out to the people. It was a great sermon.

The minister of Bura-Baraka, the Rev. Peter Kariuki, is young and very energetic and has a vision for his parish which extends for 60 km and includes four churches. There are few schools in the area and as you can see from the photo above, there are many children. He said schools are the best way to share the love of Jesus with the Muslim community. Also, he said that when you build a school which they can be a participant in, then they feel part of you and will value you and the church as neighbors. The Outreach Foundation wants to try and build two classrooms this year. 

After a great lunch of beans, rice and goat we started home knowing we needed to be clear of the "danger zone" before dark. It only took nine hours to get home. This area was very revealing to the PCEA church officials who had never been to either Garissa or Bura. I think it opened up their eyes to another side of Kenya they did not know.

Thank you for supporting our efforts to go to these very remote places in furthering the Kingdom.


Stu and Linda Ross
East Africa Mission Staff

Learn more about Church Construction in Kenya by clicking here.

Amount needed in 2014

The Outreach Foundation seeks to raise at least $10,000 per month for church construction in Kenya. To make a donation, click the Donate Now link in the sidebar.

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