Street Children's Ministry in Kigali - August 2013 Update

Street Childrens Ministry in Kigali August 2013 update.jpg

The Presbyterian Church of Rwanda created the Centre Presytérian d’Amour des Jeunes in 1998 to help alleviate the consequences of the genocide and war that left a multitude of orphaned children in the streets. The situation is a little different now. Children are on the streets now because they fled poverty, abuse, and family violence. The center provides a facility for education, recreation, and spiritual activities. Here is a story from one of the children:

Testimonial of Akimanimpaye Alfred

My name is Akimanimpaye Alfred. I was born in 1998 in Kicukiro district at Gahanga sector, Kigali. In 2005, I started spending time on the streets searching for food because my family’s living conditions were so bad. My father died while he was in prison in 2008. My mother became a drunkard and a prostitute and sold everything we had. I began living in the rubbish dump, searching for anything to eat. In 2009, the social workers from the Centre Presytérian d’Amour des Jeunes (CPAJ) came to the dump where I was living and invited me and the other children living there to come to CPAJ to live. They said that we could live and go to school there until we completed our studies. I agreed to go to CPAJ, and I left the bad life of the street with pleasure.

I am doing well in school. My dream is to get into University and get my master’s degree and above. I would like to become a construction engineer. My living conditions are now very good because I am studying, eating, and boarding in the center. I am so thankful for the center, especially all of the social workers, the coordinator, and all the others who help us. May God bless them. Thank you.

There is an unfinished multipurpose hall at the center that once completed will serve as a chapel, a gathering place for prayer groups and conferences, and a recreation site for movies and concerts. It will also be available to the public to rent to generate income for its sustainability.

Prayer Requests

Please pray for emotional stability for all the children under the care of CPAJ.

Pray for Cyprien Musabwa, the coordinator, and all caregivers to be dedicated as they offer love to these children in Christ’s name.

Ebralie Mwizerwa, Projects Coordinator

The Outreach Foundation

Learn more about the Street Children's Ministry in Kigali by clicking here.

Minimum Goal for 2014

$15,000 for the completion of a multipurpose hall and $10,000 for scholarships and medical assistance for the children



Kigali, Rwanda