Bethlehem Bible College - June 2013 Update

Bethlehem Bible College June 2013 update.jpg

John Matar, second-year Biblical Studies student, "My goal is to be a pastor. This year, I feel that God has confirmed this calling...”

My father Maurice, who came to Christ 37 years ago, and my mother Silvana were a living testimony of Jesus Christ as I was growing up. Despite our struggles to keep up with water and electricity bills and other daily necessities, they maintained their daily relationship with the Lord and always trusted in him.

Growing up in a Christian family didn’t mean that I was committed. Not until I attended a youth conference did I feel the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon me, and I committed my life completely to the Lord Jesus. From the first day, I have felt God calling me to his service. I came to Bethlehem Bible College to see how God wants to shape my life and future for his plans and service.

This year, I will complete my second year in the BA in Biblical Studies program. My favorite courses this year have been comparative religion and sermon writing. I loved learning about other religions, because now I will be able to speak to people from these religions about Christ. Now that I know how to interpret biblical passages and write a sermon, I will be able to reach out to many different people.

In March I was privileged to be one of nine students and staff who went on a mission outreach trip with Syrian refugees to Jordan. On our service trip, I learned a lot from the leaders that were with us. I learned how I can lead others and also how to deal with people from different backgrounds. I used to think it was wrong to help Muslims. After going to Jordan, where we served primarily with Muslims, I saw what they are going through as refugees and how the message of salvation was drawing them closer to God. It changed my perspective. I realized they need more people like me. God want them to be closer to him.

My goal is to be a pastor. This year, I feel that God has confirmed this calling. I can’t wait for my third year at the Bible College, coming closer to God and seeing the doors God is waiting to open for me.

The Outreach Foundation

Minimum Goal for 2014

$10,000 for overall support of Bethlehem Bible College



Bethlehem, Israel