Street Children's Ministry in Kigali - June 2013 Update

Street Children's Ministry in Kigali 2012.png

Dear Friends of Rwandan Children,

I greet you in the name of our Savior Jesus Christ. I recently spoke with Cyprien Musabwa, Coordinator for the Street Children's Ministry of the Presbyterian Church of Rwanda. He reported that there are some exciting things happening at the center.

Fifteen street children were reunited with their families after at least a year at the Centre Presytérian d'Amour des Jeunes (CPAJ) for rehabilitation. It is always a joy to see them return to their families. The center continues to help them with their education. There are 103 children enrolled in the boarding high school. Presently, of the 85 children under CPAJ care who are in primary/elementary school, 37 are residents and the rest are being helped while living with their families/foster parents. In addition, 73 students are being trained in sewing, hairdressing, design, etc. and 27 are doing internships with local businesses. The CPAJ kids are looking forward to summer visits from young people from around the world. July is a fun time as the center organizes sports competitions for the kids with other homes or athletic groups around the city of Kigali. Some Presbyterian young people from the U.S. are headed to CPAJ in July to help train the children and build relationships as well as share the love of Christ.

As with all children's ministries relying on the generosity of western brothers and sisters, CPAJ faces a financial challenge. Specifically, a major donor shifted focus from kids in the city to concentrate on kids from rural areas. Funds contributed through The Outreach Foundation have been helping sponsor kids in school as well as helping complete a multipurpose hall, which will allow the center to generate some revenue. A group from The Outreach Foundation and First Presbyterian Church in Nashville will be visiting CPAJ this summer. They will meet the kids and offer encouragement to both the children and their caregivers.


Prayer Requests

For the children to overcome the street culture and know there is life beyond whatever may have led them to the streets

For CPAJ caregivers to offer the love of Christ to these kids sacrificially

For the vocationally trained kids to gain employment

For The Outreach Foundation to raise enough resources to rescue children from the streets


We are so grateful for your partnership with us in the work of the Kingdom.

Blessings in Christ,

Ebralie Mwizerwa
Projects Coordinator for The Outreach Foundation

Minimum Goal for 2014

$15,000 for the street children's ministry in Kigali



Kigali, Rwanda