Syria #11: Light in our Eyes

The day had been a long one in Aleppo and had ended with a 90-minute worship service at the Presbyterian Church. The children had sung, young people had received awards for winning a Bible competition, our Outreach team had each been given a plaque to celebrate our partnership, the Word had been preached by our own Jack Baca and we had ended the service with holy communion. The sanctuary had been packed, with extra chairs added in the aisles, and people out the back door – and all of this on Tuesday night which was NOT the regular time for worship…

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Syria #10: So Loved

Out the back door and around the corner from our hotel in the heart of Bab Touma stands the National Evangelical Church of Damascus where our team gathered for worship on Sunday morning. The Rev. Boutros Zaour and his congregation welcomed us with open arms. There were many hugs, much laughter, and a few tears as old friendships were renewed, and new brothers and sisters were met for the first time. It was a fitting and wonderful way to end our time in Syria.

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Syria #9: Women's Work

It was a split-screen kind of day for our team. With no program for our five pastor teammates, they set off with Nuhad for a walking tour of Damascus, guided by dear friend Samia Koudmani. Old Damascus is filled with sites, and from our home at the Beit Al Wali hotel, it makes for a good day of sightseeing and (gasp) shopping.

Marilyn and I were on a different track...

We first heard of the Hook and Thread Ministry on our first visit during the war in January 2014, when we spent time with the Damascus Church.

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Syria #8: The Double Blessing

When we come to Syria, and this is my ninth time (the eighth since the war began in 2011), the first hurdle is always getting a visa. Three times when I have been on an Outreach Foundation team, the visa was denied, or more accurately, “never arrived.” This trip was different; our visas were granted before we ever left the states, so we had no worries upon arriving. Our prayers had already been answered, by the diligent work of our church family in this land.

Friday, we faced a different hurdle.

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Syria #7: Not Much of anything

In a side window of our driver Bashar’s van is a round decal with a picture of Jesus in the center, surrounded by the words King of the Kings and Jesus’ Friends. As I looked through that window at the bombed-out buildings and thought about the problems facing the Syrian people, I saw in the same pane of glass the reminder that as Christians, we are invited into a friendship with Jesus.

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Syria #1: Encouragement

For several months now, our team of eight hardy souls has been preparing for yet another trip to visit part of our Christian family in Syria. We come from different parts of the United States, but we are bound together through faith in Christ, membership in the Presbyterian Church, involvement with The Outreach Foundation, and an affirmative answer to Christ’s call to be involved in relationships with those of similar faith in different parts of the world.

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Lebanon #12: Encounters

Our last day here in Lebanon was infused with the essence of why we come to these places: encounters – with the Church and its ministries and with those who serve faithfully in Christ’s name, despite the challenges and obstacles they face. As we learn from them (and hope, in some small way, to encourage them with our presence) we live into the reality of what it means to share “one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and father of us all.”

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