Lebanon #11: Strength and Courage

Our team number dwindled today but our weary bodies, buoyed by lifted spirits, remained committed to visiting more of the ministries supported by The Outreach Foundation. We were challenged once again by the strength and courage of two heroines of the Church. The stories of their ministries in Beirut and Hammana represent endless energy, required a dream and a vision for what God can do, and hearts filled with love for the vulnerable and those in great need of care and compassion.

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Lebanon #8: Presence

Our week at Dhour Choueir passed as quickly as a comet bursts in the night sky and equally as amazing! Just five days ago we counted out 200 floral scarves and spiral notebooks, 100 beaded bracelets and bling rings, 200 wooden crosses, 15 colors of paint, a gazillion decorative jewels, 150 pens, and conference schedules, loading them into 90 gift bags. Today we counted the tears as we said good-bye to 90 lovely sisters in Christ.

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Lebanon #5: Rejoice!

“This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it.” We greeted each other with words that ministered to us on this beautiful morning of bright sunshine. Of course, we’ve heard stories how God has previously met and provided for participants in this conference, so we were expecting to have reasons to rejoice today.

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Lebanon #3: Getting to Know You

It was a beautiful morning, cooler and crisper than we had experienced lately, perfect for an early walk outside the gates of the conference center. As Mona, Susan and I walked we were captivated by the sights, the colorful flowers, fruit trees, grapevines, the red tile roofs on the limestone buildings and the houses built so cleverly on the side of the hill. I see God often in nature, and relish that I have friends that feel that way too.

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Lebanon #2: Anticipation

How appropriate that we began our second day in worship at the Beirut Presbyterian Church in Rabieh with the joyful singing of “I Love Thy Kingdom, Lord.” We are here to witness God’s kingdom with our sisters from Lebanon and Syria. Our worship with fellow believers, though offered in Arabic, seemed familiar and comfortable. Their sweet hospitality and welcome were shared with us through masks and smiling eyes. Assis (Rev.) George Mourad reminded us again of the power of prayer and the example that Jesus gave to his disciples in the Lord’s Prayer. We went out from there presenting ourselves to God singing “Just As I Am.”

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Iranians in Diaspora #4

Sunday was another long day of visits, but worship was the main event. The Outreach Foundation’s diaspora team celebrated the work of the Holy Spirit with a congregation of Muslim background believers (MBB). Over 75 people crammed into a space meant for about 50, and 25 people joined online. Singing flowed into prayers of gratitude to God, which flowed into more singing and liturgy! Was that the Lord’s Prayer we just heard? The doxology, too. A Persian worship leader featured on Spotify played the “tar,” a traditional Persian instrument. The sound of home echoed through the space. Tears welled. We had a brief technical glitch on Zoom, then came two testimonies. Testimonies are a common feature of worship because people need to share that Jesus is showing up in dreams, visions, and through miracles.

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