Syria #10: So Loved

So Loved

For the team, Tony Lorenz
First Presbyterian Church, Carlisle, PA

Out the back door and around the corner from our hotel in the heart of Bab Touma stands the National Evangelical Church of Damascus where our team gathered for worship on Sunday morning. The Rev. Boutros Zaour and his congregation welcomed us with open arms. There were many hugs, much laughter, and a few tears as old friendships were renewed, and new brothers and sisters were met for the first time. It was a fitting and wonderful way to end our time in Syria.

At the heart of Reformed worship, whether it be in Scotland, the United States, or Syria, is the reading and proclamation of the word of God. At almost every one of our stops – Baniyas, Latakia, Aleppo, Ain al-Shaara, Jaramana, and now Damascus—members of the team have shared God’s word with brothers and sisters in Christ in the context of worship.

On our final Sunday in Syria the Rev. Dr. Mark Mueller, executive director of The Outreach Foundation, shared a message based on John 3:16, “For God so loved the world.” We were all reminded that this is how God loves the world, by the incarnation, death, and resurrection of His Son Jesus Christ. In Jesus I am loved and you are loved, but we are so loved.

The realization that we are loved by God in Jesus Christ, compels us to reach out, to tell and remind the world: you are so loved. For more than ten days now in Syria we have been reminded again and again of God’s love. Pastors, elders, and congregations have bent over backwards to welcome us. They have all shown us the incarnate, sacrificial love of Jesus Christ. This is the way God loves us.

Mark finished by reminding the gathered congregation that the world is full of challenges, but despite those challenges, as Christians we are called to continue to love – to so love – even when it seems like love is in short supply. We are to so love one another just as God has so loved the world in Jesus Christ.

Tomorrow, we leave Damascus in the morning to return to Beirut for one final night before beginning to wing our way home. As we go, our hearts will be full of the love of God and the love of our Syrian brothers and sisters.