June 12 - Dance Fever and Too Much to Eat!

Mozambique group at Tete City

Sorry for the silence!

We have been without text and WiFi since Friday, so please excuse our silence. But, it's been a great trip, and we've been blessed the people we've met. Here's a recap of Friday:

Friday, June 12 – We arrived in Tete City last night right after dark. We awoke to a beautiful sun-filled morning. Our (first) breakfast was at the hotel. We then went to the Chimadzi Church – the first church built by The Outreach Foundation in 1987. The congregation greeted us with singing and dancing as we drove up to the church. Once inside the elders led a very organized program of singing, welcome, introductions and Bible reading. We concluded the more formal portion with more singing and dancing. It began with our hosts doing the singing and dancing. But before long our team joined in as well! It was a very special time with our new friends! We left there, but not without their serving us breakfast #2!

Our new friends at the Tete City Church

We traveled on to Tete City Church where we were met by a small but enthusiastic group. Being a work day, most members were off at their jobs. But there was a group of college students who were most engaged with us. They love to practice their English and are very bright. They are, indeed, the future of the Tete City Church! We gathered again to eat – breakfast #3!

The afternoon found us wandering through the markets of Tete City, then back to the hotel for a pizza dinner.

Reflecting on our impressions, we have been overwhelmed at the hospitality of the people. They have so little materially, but they gave so much. They are a true reflection of the face of Christ.